Saturday 31 December 2016

Welcoming 2017

Easin Grand Sathorn Hotel @ Bangkok
As 2016 comes to an end, I want to wish you all the best for the coming year. Let’s welcome 2017 with smiles, dreams… and, of course, good pics! At the beginning of each New Year, I pick a few things I want to accomplish or work on throughout the year. Below are my New Year’s resolutions for 2017:

- Put more effort on my online business 
- Get in shape and eat healthier *I've gained a lot of weight in the past few months oh no!!
- Drink moreee water
- Spend less and save more for vacation *my goal is to go on a vacation every 6 months =D
- Socialize more *yeah, I'm really bad at socializing =(
- Be more organized
- Appreciate life more *the good days and even the bad and learn from everyday

Blessed to have a good day @ The Venezia, Hua Hin
Actually I have too manyyy new year's resolution. But I narrow them down and change the smaller resolutions into things that just need to get done LOL. They may not be relevant to you, but those are the things I’ve been needing to change for a while, and hopefully give you a bit of motivation. =) Last, but not least, Happy New Year!!!! Cheerss!!!

Saturday 24 December 2016


来自香港的同心圆 敬拜者使团的异象是以音乐传递神的信息,为神兴起及培训更多真诚的敬拜者,在这世代作神的精兵忠仆,见证福音的大能。同心圆 ● 敬拜者使团自1994年成立至今,致力在圣灵里建立一个相爱合一的团队,他们透过现代敬拜乐队、四部和声诗班,配合音响及行政支援事奉团队,举办各类型的培训,奋兴和布道聚会及制作具诚意的影音创作产品,以赞美(Praise)、祈祷(Prayer)、宣告(Proclaim)和传讲(Preach)为信念。同心圆 ● 敬拜者使团展开他们的“LOVE马来西亚宣教之旅”行程。来到沙巴亚庇之际刚好赶上平安夜。联合圣公会亚庇诸圣座堂举行圣诞音乐布道会。我和男友受邀出席这场圣诞敬拜布道音乐会。还有见证分享呢! 场面真的很温馨,热闹今天是平安夜,愿得平静的心,愿神的恩惠与我们同在,愿神祝福你和你的全家。

Tuesday 20 December 2016

dreams come true

'' We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort." - Jesse Owens

Somehow I like to imagine the ''feel'' of happiness with proudness. It felt really good for a while... basking in all the success, appreciation BUT after a while it fades away and I feel an emptiness....

Is it possible to make your dreams come true if you do not have money? Seriously yes!!! A lot can be done with that. You can learn the skills thru internet and grow your dreams, for low or no cost at all. Never ever give up on your dream because you don’t have money.