Sunday 7 August 2016

Review : Suicide Squad

Watched the movie at Suria yesterday. It was my first time watching a movie in d-box ( incredibly expensive =.= ) It's basically a vibrating chair in the cinema that moves according to the movie. hehe. I'm not sure why many critics said the movie was so "terrible". I'm not a comic book fan and I'm not familiar with the characters from the comic book but I personally think Suicide Squad is gooooood for many reasons.

The first one is Boomerang, the second is Harley Quinn, she is Joker's insane partner in crime. The third from is Deadshot,  a sniper that never miss a single shot. The middle one is Katana, she's the protector of Rick Flagg. The rough monster is Killer Croc and the last one is Diablo, the master of flames. Diablo's full powers were very awesome at the end. There are back stories for every character but didn't' felt much. The team of criminals led by Rick Flagg are assembled and forced to help a special teams unit as in Escape From New York. They must enter the city and retrieve someone important, but the Joker is tracking their movements as he tries to take Harley back.

The witch-goddess, Enchantress and her brother motive just like X-men Apocalypse. They want  to destroy the earth. Enchantress has the power of persuasion to make people do whatever she wants.

The characters were good although some don't get enough screen time. Harley Quinn was the best role in the movie, I doesn't like Katana, she is probably the worst out of all the characters. ( just my opinion).

I love this part of Joker and Harley screenplay ↓

Joker points down towards the vats.

Joker: “There. I was born down there.”
Harley stares down. She desperately wants the same.
Joker: “Would you die for me?”
Harley nods.
Harley: “Yes.”
Joker: “No… that’s too easy. Would you live for me?”
Joker smiles, scaring her.
Joker: “Will you embrace me, and only me?”
Harley nods vigorously.
Joker: “Will you bind your spirit to mine… in hate? Do you consign your soul to me? Do you laugh at the world in disgust?”
Harley: “…yes.”
Joker: “Do not say this oath thoughtlessly. Desire becomes surrender. Surrender becomes power. Do you want it? Do you really want it?”
Harley: “I do. I do.”
Joker: “Then goodbye, Doctor Quinzel.”

Joker gestures towards the edge of the vat. Without hesitation she jumps. Joker thinks “She’s gone and problem solved.” He walks away and suddenly he feels something...Love. The relationship between Joker and Harley was always complicated. Joker is abusive and manipulative towards Harley but he did feel affection for Harley. Harley and Joker should have their own movie!! Hopefully an extended version boosts this up, because I was absolutely thrilled by every sequence with Joker & Harley Quinn ♥

This movie had some more comedy and at the same time dark so it melded vv well. Overall, the movie was great, the action scenes and soundtrack was awesome. It was more enjoyable than Batman V Superman. Oopss!*

Genres : Action | Adventure | Comedy |
Running time : 2 hour 03 minute
Rating : ★★★★★

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