Thursday 4 August 2016

Another year over and I'm still here...

It was just coincidence. I was finishing my studies on year 2004, searched for part-time job and found HS. I get so tied up with my job once I start working and on the second year I feel the need to develop my skills so I continue my studies. → Work full-time + study part-time ( LCC1&CAD). I was never very ambitious but I always wanted to learn new things =) I never expected to stay this long I am. I’ve been at the same company for nearly 12 years, and during that time, the company businesses has increasingly thrive. I started as basically a clerk and as the company grew, I eventually worked my way into a ''executive secretary'' position ( provides both clerical and administrative ). My job description includes customer service, CAD drafting tasks, calculate costs based on client's requirements and prepare detailed estimates to ensure budgets are sufficient for each stage of construction. My job isn't vv challenging but has many learning opportunity. Generally people don't stay in one place for that long but I personally think that staying for years on a job can also be a positive thing IF you've gained seniority and leadership opportunities =D

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