Monday 30 April 2018

Review: Avengers - Infinity War

I'm not a huge fan of the superhero genre but because of the high rating, I am convinced to watch it. And ... I'm going to keep this review short and snappy. I won't dive into plot detail. To be honest, most of the time I barely knew what was going on?? I was confused in almost every scene and I felt that the characters' capabilities seemed diff from what I saw in earlier movies. Captain America is looking ragged in this film and I barely don't recognized him!!!

Thanos is the most powerful villain!

Don't listen to anyone who says this movie has no plot. There have been numbers of marvel movies leading up to Infinity War.

This movie is full of emotions, ups & downs...defeat & death...

There are a ridiculous number of characters in this film X___X

It was an intense movie and I can see a lot of people complaining it because of the ending. Btw no one left the cinema immediately after the end of the movie. All waiting for the post-credit scene =D *P/S: The post credit scene will make you so much more excited in the NEXT SERIES!

Overall, I do have a good time when I watch the film. For those who hasn't watch it yet, whether you're a Marvel fan or not, if you know what has been going on in the previous Marvel movies, go and watch it! Avengers: Infinity War really worth watching =)

Genres : Action | Adventure | Fantasy |
Running time : 2 hour 29 minute

My Rating : ★★★★☆