Monday 29 February 2016

Bye February! Hello target!

Where did the month of February go?  It just seems like yesterday I were coming back from CNY break and now I'm getting ready to head into the month of MARCH! Oh gosh! Time flies like a blink of an eye. The shortest month of the year seems to have gone by in a flash. I love new months bcz it gives me opportunity to set another new goals for myself and work towards achieving them =D I want get back with my fitness routine. Eat clean → Train hard → DON'T QUIT ✓

Thursday 25 February 2016

Troll period

Annoying things about period :

 It's awful how easily I get annoyed.

✖ No cold drinks at all ✖

✖ Stomach cramps ✖

✖ Don’t feel like doing anything at all ✖

✖ The constant feeling of want to poop ✖

✖ It always leaks especially when sleeping ✖

✖ Can feel the blood flow when I sneeze, cough or stand up ✖


Good things about periods:

✔ Knowing that I'm not pregnant ✔

Wednesday 24 February 2016


近年来越来越多的男性友人向我抱怨自己找不到女朋友。在抱怨的时候有没有自我反省为什么自己总是找不到女朋友呢? 你说自己其貌不扬,不受女生欢迎,所以缺乏自信。平凡普通的男人很多,所以不必一直抱怨自己的长相,你能蓄须留长发,但重点是你不能邋遢。因为女人很在意你是否整洁。发型的选择应与自己的脸型相协调,还要与个人的身高,年龄,职业相符合。但切勿过于花俏。所有的人都知道现在是物质社会。经济基础肯定也是女生选择男友的一点标准,但不是唯一。女人或许可以忍受男人穷,但绝不允许男人过分自私和或吝啬。其实你可以不必很有钱,但你得让女生看到你在寻找向上奋斗的力量。话虽如此, 最重要的关键还是在于你自己,首先最应该端正自己的心态,培养自己的自信心,活出自己的价值,这样的你才会有机会觅到合适你的女生。加油!

I can't keep calm

Everyone around me is getting married or pregnant and I’m just like … I just wanna go to the gym & travel!!! Let’s be clear, marriage is a covenant. I do want to be married BUT not right now. Marriage is not the goal for me. My goal is to get abs lol. One of my really good friends is getting married on June and I was excited when I initially got the news. Dear my beautiful, soon to be married best friend ( you know who you are ) It finally happened. You're getting married!! We have been talking about this day since secondary school XD Joy and happiness is waiting for you both. May your relation fulfill all of your hearty desires and you feel happiness together always ❣ As you go on with all the wedding planning, please remember to have fun with it and most importantly appreciate and enjoy all these special moments. xoxo

Tuesday 23 February 2016

What is true love?

True love is when you put your partner's interests above your own. It is when you will do anything the see them happy, even things that may go against what you believe. It is called sacrifice and true love is nothing without it.

Monday 22 February 2016


现时代的人会对 '' les '' 进行角色分类,: butch, andro, femme。近年来多半的年轻人已将女同性恋作为 一种 '' trend '',继而进行盲目崇拜,模仿并加以宣传。女同性恋顾名思义就是两个女人间的爱情。一个女人被同性身上的特征吸引,并随之发展成爱情。真正的女同性恋者并不会排斥自己的性别,她们认可并接受自己的性别, 然后清楚的意识到自己只能和异性做朋友,无法做情人。同时也意识到自己容易被优秀的同性所吸引。女同性恋和男人一样爱女人,当然不是每个女人都爱,就像男人不会对每一个女人产生好感。如果一个女人希望别的女人像男人一样来爱她,那说明这个女人需要的其实是男人而不是女人。所以,一个女生喜欢像男人一样的女人,那么这个女生潜意识里还是会喜欢男生的其实女同性恋现象从古至今一直存在,经过漫长岁月的歧视、批判和争议,女同性恋这名词在当今的社会中已经从精神疾病的名单中被删除。女同性恋在最近这几年有上升的趋势,但由于一些人群将同性恋作为 '' trend '' 的文化进行宣传,再经过媒体影视等煽风点火的渲染,女同性恋原来的形象被严重扭曲,使大部分不了解同性恋的群众对同性恋产生强烈的反感。

Sunday 21 February 2016

Missing chapters ♥

It's been a long while since I last blogged. The last time I blogged was about one month ago. So this post shall all be about me updating about my life throughout these days. =D 02.02.2016 marks our 5 months together. There were some ups & downs throughout but I'm so glad we never gave up on each other and kept holding on till today. Thanks for everything you've done for me. I love you xoxo

年初一 ootd  ( outfit of the day ). Love this embroidered silk lilac cheongsam dress.
08.02.2016 marks the first day of Chinese New Year. Mom with me & boyfie went to cinema to watch from Vegas to Macau III ( 赌城风云3 ). A film by Wong Ching ( 王晶 ) starring Chow Yun Fatt ( 周润发 ), Andy Lau ( 刘德华 ), Jacky Cheung ( 张学友 ), Cheung Ka Fai ( 张家辉 ), Carina Lau ( 刘嘉玲 ), Psy, Li Yuchun ( 李宇春 ), Shawn Yue ( 余文乐 ), 童菲 ( Kimmy Tong ) etc. I’ve watched From Vegas to Macau series I & II and I’m catching the third one because this time Andy Lau has a bigger role in it!!! ( Andy Lau is my favorite actor ). The plot kinda lackluster but I love Andy Lau and Chow Yun Fat together =D

From Vegas to Macau III - The 3rd chapter in the from Vegas to Macau series reunited legendary Hong Kong actors.

On second day of Chinese Lunar year me and boyfie went to cinema again to watch The monkey king II ( 西游记之孙悟空三打白骨精 ) starring by Aaron Kwok ( 郭富城 ), Gong Li ( 巩俐 ), Law Chung Him ( 罗仲谦 ), Xiao Shen Yang ( 小沈阳 ), Feng Shao Feng ( 冯绍峰 ). It's a well known story with well known actors. Gong Li as the demon king White Bone Spirit was very dominating. Although the story line is a bit slow but there are many fun parts that make us laugh. Lots of 3D effect.
The monkey king 2 - A fantasy film based on the classic novel Journey to the West.

What we did on our last holiday( 年初四 ) ? Oh well.. as usual, went to cinema and watch movie! Stephen Chow's Mermaid is a must see comedy this Chinese New Year! The Mermaid ( 美人鱼 ) is a science fiction fantasy romantic comedy film directed by Stephen Chow. Stephen Chow is my idol  I admire him because he's a talented actor, comedian, film director, script writer & producer. Mermaid is a solid dramedy with heart and a message. ( with real documentary footage of water pollution & dying sea life spliced into the film’s opening montage ). If you haven't watched this movie, I highly recommend it =D

Valentine's Day has already passed. It was on Sunday, a week ago. How did you guys spend your Valentine Day? I had the most enjoyable time with my boyfie. Thanks dear for making this Valentine's Day so wonderful :) I love the glitter roses and the pressie you bought for me.

Glitter purple roses ♥ so blessed to have such an amazing boyfie in my life ♥
Fine dinner at Ferdinand's @The Magellan Sutera Harbour
We had the 6 course meal at RM480 per couple.
( I did not managed to snap the of picture of necklace boyfie got for me ↑ so I randomly downloaded from website XD ) He got me a Swarovski necklace ↑ but I returned back to him and we went to the Swarovski shop on the next day and changed it to the smaller one. XD 

Overall, I had a wonderful time with boyfriend during this Chinese New Year. ♥ Good times = amazing memories.