Wednesday 1 February 2017

C.N.Y - The awkward moment!

There have be a lottt of traditions for CNY, friends&family re-unions, distributing and receiving ang pow, lion dance performance and gamble!!! It is very common to see the Chinese gamble during CNY, even for those who do not normally gamble =P Oh ya! Beware of the blood-provoking questions asked by your friends/relatives lol.

Typical question --- When are you getting married? Urghh Chinese culture!  Grrr~ I hate this question! In my experience, if it’s asked by a close friend or relatives, and they’re asking it with concern and listen to my response respectfully, that’s fine. I will respond them cheerfully and make some vague statement. But if being asked by distant relatives or random friends, my typical response is remain silent and smile XD It gets really awkward after that =X I knew someday the question will transforms into another one like... when are you having kids? =.=

There was a joke popular once.

At every family marriage he attended, Jack's 'concerned' elderly aunts and uncles would come up to him, nudge him and tell "Hey! You're next!!". This came to a stop when at a family funeral, Jack walked up to them, nudged them and said "Hey! You're next!!"

P/S: I’m already in a committed relationship and marriage has never been a huge rush for me =)

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