Thursday 28 May 2020


Like many others around the world, COVID-19 indeed had an impact on our country ( Malaysia ). During this challenging time, the number of people losing their job have increased, some employers are beginning to cut salaries ... etc. This is a situation where I think the economies can be under performing for some time =(

The COVID-19 taught me the important money lesson. It's SOOOO important because we can't predict future. Saving money for emergency fund can protect you in the event of a financial emergency. And your emergency fund should contain enough money to cover at least 3 months of expenses. 

During this difficult time, don't be addicted to spending money. Always keep this sentences in your mind --- need is logical and want is emotional, so BUY WHAT YOU NEED, NOT WHAT YOU WANT. Don't spend money on anything that is non-essential and always remember to get your budget under control. Good luck!

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