Friday 9 September 2016


暖男/considerate guy ♥ A lot of good men could be more thoughtful of the women in their lives. I'm thankful that my boyfriend is sweet and thoughtful. I greatly appreciate your willingness to put up with my awful attitude. Thank you for proving that not all guys suck =P Btw I hit my thigh really hard on a shelf at my workplace few days ago.  Bruise started abut the size of my thumb and getting wider now =(

Boyfie rubbing the bruise mark with 铁打酒. Thank you so much for being considerate. xoxo 

4 ways to get rid of bruise

◆ Mix vinegar with warm water and rub it over the bruise ◆
◆ Rub it out with 铁打酒 ( Chinese liniment - made from herbs and mixed with alcohol ) ◆
◆ Hot compresses like a hot towel ◆
◆ Boil an egg and peal the egg when cooked and roll it where there is a bruise and roll it back and forward ◆


It doesn't really matter what you rub into it, it's the rubbing that matters. Disburse the pool of blood and the discoloration will go away =)

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