Tuesday 25 December 2018

Review: Bumblebee ( 2018 )

Synopsis outline:

On the run in the year 1987, Bumblebee finds refuge in a junkyard in a small Californian beach town. Charlie (Hailee Steinfeld), on the cusp of turning 18 and trying to find her place in the world, discovers Bumblebee, battle-scarred and broken. When Charlie revives him, she quickly learns this is no ordinary, yellow VW bug.

I'm actually kind of not interested in this movie but I decided to give this a watch because of positive vibes from Facebooker. Although I was doubtful at first whether it'll turn out to be bored or not. But at the end, I left the cinema with a satisfied smiley face lol =D

The film may have less action but it has enough action sequences to keep you on the edge of your seat because there’s a lot of emotional scene. The entire concept of the movie is about Charlie ( 18 y/o  teenager girl ) and her robot ( Bumblebee ) and how she starts to connect with the robot ( Bumblebee ) in a earnest way. It's really heartwarming seeing strong bonding between them. Many critics will say that the story line of the movie very cheesy, but for me I didn't really see any problem with that. 

This is the best transformer series I ever watched and Bumblebee is my best among all transformers. Indeed a perfect mix of classic nostalgic 80's songs and vibes. The ending was great and I absolutely loveee it! 

Rating: PG-13
Genres : Action | Fiction | Fantasy |
Running time : 1 hour 54 minute
Rating : ★★★★★

Saturday 5 May 2018

Go into debt for something so stupid and then end up owing people FXCK YOU LA!

Money is something very personal and a sensitive topic. I personally don't like to have any money issue with friends because I don't want any conflicts between our friendship over money. But I actually don't mind lending money to others if I have the ability BUT it depends on the situation and whom I lend to. *ONLY IF* it comes down to a close friend, that really really really needing money for something important konon, I will consider and reconsider carefully before lending him/her the money. 

For an example there is a friend of mine who constantly borrows RM50-RM200++ from different people and she's borrowed RM50 ( a few times ) from me as well. *I find money borrowers get into the habit of constantly borrowing money with different people* Well, I have never seen her return any of the money I lent her even after she gets married. Now no one lends her even a dime because we all knew that she never ever pays anyone back but yet she takes all her money and invest on her other half. So the moral of this story is: Don't get yourself in a state of constant lending.

A few months ago one of my friend lost his job and he asked me if he could borrow money. I feel pity for him and I said yes since it's not large amounts of money. BUT It's been 5 months now since this happened and I still haven't had any of the money back. This is starting to annoy me because he's been making this promise for months and I'm starting to get a bit dubious as to whether I will get the money. It can be difficult to *TAGIH HUTANG* from a friend ... Ehh, I care about your feeling and I don't want you to feel awkward. And please ... DON'T TAKE MY KINDNESS FOR GRANTED!!! You should only borrow money if you absolutely need it for survival, NOT for the stupidest reasons like spending money on dates or buying material things!!! Where the hell do YOU develop these attitudes from??? Don't be surprise I make up an excuse the next time when you asking for my help. Seriously, I work hard  to earn money and I have the right to say yes or no to the YOU without a guilt. kthxbye!!!

Monday 30 April 2018

Review: Avengers - Infinity War

I'm not a huge fan of the superhero genre but because of the high rating, I am convinced to watch it. And ... I'm going to keep this review short and snappy. I won't dive into plot detail. To be honest, most of the time I barely knew what was going on?? I was confused in almost every scene and I felt that the characters' capabilities seemed diff from what I saw in earlier movies. Captain America is looking ragged in this film and I barely don't recognized him!!!

Thanos is the most powerful villain!

Don't listen to anyone who says this movie has no plot. There have been numbers of marvel movies leading up to Infinity War.

This movie is full of emotions, ups & downs...defeat & death...

There are a ridiculous number of characters in this film X___X

It was an intense movie and I can see a lot of people complaining it because of the ending. Btw no one left the cinema immediately after the end of the movie. All waiting for the post-credit scene =D *P/S: The post credit scene will make you so much more excited in the NEXT SERIES!

Overall, I do have a good time when I watch the film. For those who hasn't watch it yet, whether you're a Marvel fan or not, if you know what has been going on in the previous Marvel movies, go and watch it! Avengers: Infinity War really worth watching =)

Genres : Action | Adventure | Fantasy |
Running time : 2 hour 29 minute

My Rating : ★★★★☆

Tuesday 6 February 2018



Friday 5 January 2018

New Year's bucket lists

I haven't made much time for the blog. But I'm back lol. I love to make bucket lists actually because I think it would be fun to come up with a list of activities and goals for the New Year and sum up at the end of the year to see how much did I fulfilled =) Some of my ''goals'' is simple and some is really laughable.

It’s never too late to start planning for bucket list 2018. Just write down what you need to achieve/perform. Most people have the same bucket list like traveling to somewhere, losing weight, achieving the dreams bla bla bla... I encourage you to make a list because It really gives you something to look forward to and accomplish =D HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018 XOXO