Tuesday 29 December 2015

X'mas gift from ♥

I'm beyond happy with the Christmas gifts my boyfie got me for this year. yay!! Honestly soooo blessed to have a thoughtful boyfie. Thank you very much for the gift ♥

Skincare and body formulations from Kiehls --- Aromatic blends of patchouli & fresh rose. Surprisingly the scent of rose smell heavenly and not too heady. =D

L'Occitane aromachologie radiance and color care shampoo & conditioner

Monday 28 December 2015

My sparkling nails

I change my polish colors when I get bored with it or want to match an outfit based on the festive season and I max love a combination of hot red/black and glitter because I love to paint my nails with diff colors. 

My hot red nails with gold/red glitter and white ribon design. ( 17/12/2015 )
My classic red nails with silver glitter and white zebra line ( 23/12/2015 )

Sunday 27 December 2015

Saturday 26 December 2015

Merry Christmas!

Boyfie and I enjoyed a variety of delectable Asian & Pacific cuisines at Hyatt hotel during Christmas night. The Christmas atmosphere here was not strong but the food quality here was superb. The service here was quite good and the staff cleared our plates regularly =)

This was where we were seated =)
When '' Rudolph '' meets '' Santa '' xoxo

Being in ♥ with you is like butter sweet & fulfilling. All my ex from the past were like margarine, x quite the real ''thing'' 
Tempting dessert to sweeten the night.

Movie after dinner @ GSC Suria. This is a great contribution of the story of Ip Man & Wing Chun.
To my dearest boyfie, I wish you a life filled with love & care as you filled mine with yours. Thank you for your strength & faith. This Christmas I promise you love & passion. Merry Christmas!

Monday 21 December 2015

Gaya Street Christmas carnival

The Christmas carnival ( 15 Dec - 18 Dec ) at Gaya Street, Kota Kinabalu is a fun-filled event featuring an evening of Christmas caroling & a variety of interesting stall. I vvv love the Christmas decorations & Christmas spirit all around ♥

The huge Christmas tree ❄
麻辣鱼丸! The hottest fish balls. My mouth on fire!
Le boyfie with fake plant on the hair LOL This is the latest fashion statement in China which plastic hair clips that make it look as though a plant is growing out of your head. It's apparently cool to make your head look like a plant pot LOLOLLL
Kudos Bistro, the best western restaurant in town
Fondant cakes stall
Pretty in an art sense 
Handmade dream catchers. ( Native American tribes believed that this would catch nightmares in its web so long as you keep it in the room you're sleeping in. ) I have been searching the plain purple color dream catcher with feathers but didn't find it.
This caught my attention! Err I mean the round tiny light bulb but unfortunately it's not for sale. =(

Stunning fireworks during the closing of carnival.

Tuesday 15 December 2015


If you succeed in cheating someone, Don't think that the person is a fool... Realize that the person trusted you much more than you deserved...

Friday 11 December 2015

Happy 100 days anniversary ♥

This post is dedicated to my dearest and most precious boyfie. 11.12.2015 is our 100 days together =)

To my dearest & most precious boy,

It feels like we have been together for so damn longgg! Thanks for tolerating my nonsense all these while. I'm really sorry you had to go thru so much shit cause of me. You're the best boyfriend I've ever had. I want to keep you for myself and never let you go ( YOU'RE MINE!!! ). I'm glad our love could still be this strong after going thru so much together. I might be unreasonable and selfish at times but that doesn't mean that I don't love you. Once again, I would like to thank you for being so sweet ♥ to me all the time. You are like a gem to me, so real and so precious. Really want you to be happy when you're with me. I love you xoxo


A message with every bite ♥
oh my boy is vv sweet and incredibly romantic!

Thursday 3 December 2015


The name Mandy is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Mandy is: Abbreviation of Amanda, meaning worthy of being loved. ♥

Worthy of being loved??? here are some stuff I just don't unds. I'm curious because I'm always the victim, someone who gets ditched all the time. =( What's the reason behind this? Is it because I'm not good enuf or too good? Sometimes I'm really confused. In the first place, ''you'' chose to be with me, but in the end ''you'' chose to stepped away. In the vv first place, ''you'' know what's my character like and if ''you'' can't accept it, why do you still want me to be yours? Is it really that fun ditching someone, seeing her upset & depressed? I really don't get it. I've never complained on how much money I spend on you, buying/doing stuff to make you happy. I've never complained about anything because I loved you. ''Guys'' are selfish & egoistic. Might as well ''you'' stay single, no one to disrupt ''your'' life.

I'm not perfect, but I keep trying!

Been thinking so much this few days... To be honest... I'm sooo afraid things will change in future. I'm so afraid you'll not be the person whom I love. Peoples always say " promises are meant to be broken". I always believed in that phrase because it always happens to me. I remember every single promise you made to me and I hope you will not break any of it. I'm someone who feels insecure all the time. I guess it's because of my figure, my character & my...attitude. There are plenty of girls out there whom are muchhh better & prettier than me. I've got no confidence in myself at all... I mean... 0 confidence... is zero confidence!!! I just want you to know one thing. I'm vvv sure no one can or will love you as much as I do. I'm vvv sure no one can give what I'm giving into this relationship. I may not be the perfect one but I'm vvv sure that my love for you is genuine. And I believe this love will never fade away. I just want you to know that you're awesome. Having you in my life is the most awesome thing which has ever happened to me. Thank you for everything you've done for me & thank you for appearing in my life =,)  

I remember all my life
Raining down as cold as ice
Shadows of a man
A face through a window
Crying in the night
The night goes into

Morning just another day
Happy people pass my way
Looking in their eyes
I see a memory
I never realized
How happy you made me
Oh Mandy

When you came and you gave without taking
But I sent you away, oh Mandy
When you kissed me and stopped me from shaking
And I need you today
Oh Mandy

I'm standing on the edge of time
I walked away when love was mine
Caught up in a world
Of uphill climbing
Tears are on my mind
Nothing is rhyming
Oh Mandy

Yesterdays a dream
I faced the morning
Cryin' on the breeze
The pain is calling
Oh Mandy

When you came and you gave without taking
But I sent you away, oh Mandy
When you kissed me and stopped me from shaking
And I need you today

Oh Mandy wont you listen to what I've got to say
Oh Mandy don't you let me throw it all away
Oh Mandy wont you listen to what I've got to say
And I need you today
Oh Mandy

Wednesday 2 December 2015

3 months and counting...♥

Time passes so quickly and it's our 3rd month together already ♥So many things happened throughout this 3 months, But we still managed to pull thru this together. I'm glad that we are still going strong. We made it thru all these despite having numerous quarrels & problems. I'm vv blessed, blessed to have such an awesome person as my boyfie. Words just can't express how I feel. =) Thanks for being by my side all the time, whether I'm happy or sad. I can't possibly state everything down. But most importantly, thank you dear for telling me repeatedly that everything is going to be fine. With your words, I feel the assurance. I love you ♥

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Ding Ding Dong

Its finally December, nearly the end of 2015. Time flies like an arrow. A lot had happened this year. Are you ready to take on your resolution for 2016? =)

December means Christmas, the birth of Lord. It is also the month of year end and a vvv emotional month for me as I review the one year of what I have done or not done. I always associate the month with lovely winter and snow but sadly we don't have it here. Oh December! Please be good to me. I’ve had enuf hardships & downfalls in this year. Hopefully the last month end well for me. It doesn’t need to be the best neither does it hv to be perfect but all I want is good enuf to help me end 2015 with fun and sweet memories. =)