Thursday 28 July 2016

The hamsters

Hamsters are cute, cuddly, and small. If you were thinking of getting a hamster as a pet, look at the various types of hamster available and learn a lil about each of them. There are 5 types of hamsters:

● Syrian Hamster ●
● Dwarf Campbell's Russian Hamster ●
● Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamster ●
● Roborovksi Hamster ●
● Chinese Hamster ●

Syrian Hamster

The Syrian Hamster lives alone in the wild and it feels much happier when it’s alone in captivity too. Syrian Hamsters can be aggressive with each other and can seriously hurt each other. Never keep Syrian Hamsters in a pair or a group. Syrian Hamsters are the most commonly found in pet stores.

The Syrian Hamster is sometimes referred to as the 'Golden Hamster' due to its original wild golden colouring although today there are many different colour and coat mutations. It is also sometimes referred to as the 'Standard Hamster' or as the 'Fancy Hamster'. A Long Haired Syrian Hamster is sometimes also referred to as the 'Teddy Bear Hamster'. A female Syrian Hamster is larger than a male Syrian Hamster. 

Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamster

The Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamster is also known as the Djungarian Dwarf Hamster. It originates from the steppes of Northern Kazakhstan and Siberia. When kept outdoors it gets a white winter coat. This is a natural protective colour during a period when its original habitat is covered in snow. Hamsters are most comfortable at temperatures between 65 ° F / 18° C and 80°F / 26°C and should always be housed indoors.

Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamsters can be housed in a group of the same gender, if brought together from a young age.

Dwarf Campbell's Russian Hamster

Campbell's HamsterDwarf Campbell's Russian Hamsters are closely related to Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamsters. Because of its thicker coat, the Campbell’s appears somewhat larger than Dwarf Russian Hamster, but in fact it's not.

Campbell's Hamsters tend to become fatter in captivity than the Russian Hamsters. The Campbell’s coat is yellow-brownish with a thin, sharply lined dorsal stripe. Its coat turns slightly greyer in winter. Dwarf Campbell's Russian Hamsters can live in groups of the same gender if brought together from a young age. Dwarf Campbell's Russian Hamsters are around 8-11cm long.

Roborovski Hamster

The Roborovski Hamster is also a short-tailed Dwarf Hamster, but its yellow-brown colouring and striking whiskers lend it a totally different appearance to the other two short-tailed species of Dwarf Hamsters.

The Roborovski Hamster is the smallest Dwarf Hamster. Its body measures only 4-5.5cm in length and its tail is barely visible. Its back is a brownish-yellow with grey under colouring. Sometimes the yellow on its back appears somewhat rusty in colour. Roborovski Hamsters don’t have dorsal stripes. Roborovski Hamsters can live in groups of the same gender if brought together from a young age. Roborovski Hamsters may live up to 3 years but breed very few young.

Chinese Hamster

The Chinese Hamster is a long-tailed Dwarf Hamster and not closely related to the other Dwarf Hamsters. The Chinese Hamster’s coat is not as woolly as that of the other species. Its fur lies close and dark-brown dorsal stripe on its back is not always clearly visible and its belly is light grey. The Chinese Hamster has dark ears, lightly edged. The male has a strikingly large scrotum.

Chinese Hamsters have a quiet temperament and are easily handled even though at first they might be a bit aggressive, but with patience and time they get tamed too. The average life span of a Chinese Hamster is from 1.5 to 2 years. On average the Chinese Hamster is 10-12cm long and the male is larger than the female. 


I would pick Syrian hamsters because they are easy to handle. I once owned a Roborovski hamster.  I named her Bokji. Bokji unexpectedly gave birth to 6 baby hammies. Everything seemingly normal but on second day, 2 of the hammies were ''gone'' ( Bokji could have eaten the hammies T.T ), 1 were found dead in the corner of the cage. I thoroughly cleaned out the cage and replaced the food and water ( Idk I shouldn't clean the cage for a couple of weeks after the babies are born T.T ). The next day, one hammie were ''gone'' too! I then realised something was wrong. Bokji breathing really heavily and shaking, sort of..shivering maybe? I sayang Bokji but she is not responding and her back end has suddenly gotten extremely skinny. 2 hammies she had is on the other side of the cage, looks like the mother abandoned them T.T Bokji seems to be vv ill. She died after few hours and I was devastated. I have no clue what happened and I don't know why she suddenly died. She was perfectly fine a couple days ago..T.T Kind of upset because boyfie brought me the hamster and it died 2 week later..T.T

 so small and fragile...Their fur become visible and their ear canals begin to open.
I heard that baby hammies can't live on its own when its to young, hand raising wasn't easy! I wrap them up in a soft towel ( to keep their body warm ) and use the tiny paint brush to feed them goat milk every 2 hour. Everything goes well for the first 3 days, they open their mouth gasping once they had some water on her mouth. But on the forth day I found one of them ( the tiny one ) dead. She/he looked fine and there was no blood on her/him. I only have one left and I hope she/he can survive. On sixth day, I spotted something wrong with the hammie, she/he making weird movements with his mouth ( she/he kept closing and opening his mouth ). I add one drop to her/his drinking water and feed him/her gently. I tried to do everything I could but I feel like I didn't do enough. She/He was vv limp, I held her/him on my palm and warmed her/him up and she/he started to moved from time to time. I was so happy and I thought she/he was gonna make it but after a few hours laid on my hand, she/he suddenly breathed his last T.T

Tuesday 26 July 2016

fun with hair

The short haircut seems like more of a definitive style to me ( year 2014 )
The first time I dyed my hair was in year 2006, and I've often then dyed/bleached/dip-dyed my hair with different colors. I’ve done stripes of chestnut tones, purple-red, red, ash, and most recently, coppery brown. I miss my dip-dyed purple hair. My hair got thinner and I have severe hair loss issue plus it was so dead at the bottom as a result of bleaching it. So I made up my mind. I go to saloon and my hairstylist Leann started by cutting off 6''!  She showed me what it looked like, but I thought it was still too long XD I wanted it shorter.  So she cut another 6'' and I reached back with my hand and told her I felt comfortable with that length =) Dip dye/ombre hairstyle was the hottest trend on year 2013-2014 so I decided to get my hair dip dyed. At first I can't decide whether to dip dye my hair purple or ash. But then I chose purple bcz it less common in nature. Eeeee my fav colors have changed as I have aged lol. The color last for a month and starting with fade. The color  turned to red-orange after one and half month. So to whoever reading this post, no matter what you do, the color will fade, because purple hair dyes are semi permanent, but you use cold water and color treated hair shampoo/conditioner when you wash your hair. With this tips, you can probably prolong the color. Hmm...I'm thinking about dyeing my hair light ash brown color =D

Sunday 24 July 2016

Lights Out #Don'tBeAfraidOfTheDark

A creature that only appears when the lights go out...

Valak is out, and now it's Diana! LOL ''Lights Out'' is a horror film that is based on a 3 minute 2013 short film and both were directed by David F. Sandberg. Produced by the the one who is the big name in horror industry right now, James Wan. The movie is pretty much like ''Babadook'' in which the storylines is between monstrosity and mental illness. If you seen the trailer, then you get the tone of the movie. It's rated "PG-13" for terror, violence, disturbing images and drug content and has a running time of 1 hour & 21 minutes. Some scenes are too scary. Just push back your seat and ready to get frightened when lights went out. XD


When Rebecca left home, she thought she left her childhood fears behind. Growing up, she was never really sure of what was and wasn't real when the lights went out...and now her little brother, Martin, is experiencing the same unexplained and terrifying events that had once tested her sanity and threatened her safety. A frightening entity with a mysterious attachment to their mother, Sophie, has reemerged. But this time, as Rebecca gets closer to unlocking the truth, there is no denying that all their lives are in danger...once the lights go out.

Some of their backstories are kind of told, but kinda rushed and forced in in some cases. Speaking of Diana, she is creepy tho but the movie didn't have the creative twists that I enjoyed from movies like ''Insidious'', ''Case 39'' and ''The Conjuring''. I'm a huge horror buff and fairly difficult person to frighten because I have been watching scary movies for years. So this movie not as good as I expected but overall it was ok. Would rate it 3 out of 5 stars =)

#P/s: You may want to leave the lights on after watching the “Lights Out” movie =P

Friday 22 July 2016

My nails look FAAAAABULOUS!

Recently had a wonderful gel mani done at Maniqure. I loved gel mani because of the durability and long-lasting shine. I loved the way my gel nails looked when they were finished  The colors and design match perfectly with my phone case 

The manicurist trims my nails, then she starts to layer a gel base, several coats of color and a gel topcoat. Between each step, the nails are immediately dry when I stick my hands under a UV lamp. Gel nails lasted for approximately a month. So if you have a bunch of events coming up back to back like wedding and vacation, gels can be the perfect solution because they last about two full weeks with no chipping. =)

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Once I was seven years old...

Once I was seven years old...
Seriously I miss being a child because I miss the simplicity of life like I didn't have to worry about anything. I can do something weird for fun like talking to the bears because I was convinced they were a part of me and peoples won't stare at me and question my sanity. I miss falling asleep on the sofa and waking up on my comfy bed. I miss asking adults questions, and thinking that they have all the answers. How silly I was huh? When I was a kid I made kites out of garbage bags, play games such as hide and seek. My most fond memories were going to park and play on the swings =D No doubt that childhood period is the golden period of whole life. My childhood wasn't so blissful but i'm grateful, I wish I'd never grown up... =,)

Once I was seven years old, my mama told me,
"Go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely."
Once I was seven years old

It was a big big world, but we thought we were bigger
Pushing each other to the limits, we were learning quicker
By eleven smoking herb and drinking burning liquor
Never rich so we were out to make that steady figure

Once I was eleven years old, my daddy told me,
"Go get yourself a wife or you'll be lonely."
Once I was eleven years old

I always had that dream, like my daddy before me
So I started writing songs, I started writing stories
Something about that glory just always seemed to bore me
'Cause only those I really love will ever really know me

Once I was twenty years old, my story got told
Before the morning sun, when life was lonely
Once I was twenty years old

I only see my goals, I don't believe in failure
'Cause I know the smallest voices, they can make it major
I got my boys with me, at least those in favor
And if we don't meet before I leave, I hope I'll see you later

Once I was twenty years old, my story got told
I was writing about everything I saw before me
Once I was twenty years old

Soon we'll be thirty years old, our songs have been sold
We've traveled around the world and we're still roaming
Soon we'll be thirty years old

I'm still learning about life
My woman brought children for me
So I can sing them all my songs
And I can tell them stories
Most of my boys are with me
Some are still out seeking glory
And some I had to leave behind
My brother, I'm still sorry

Soon I'll be sixty years old, my daddy got sixty-one
Remember life, and then your life becomes a better one
I made a man so happy when I wrote a letter once
I hope my children come and visit once or twice a month

Soon I'll be sixty years old, will I think the world is cold
Or will I have a lot of children who can warm me?
Soon I'll be sixty years old

Soon I'll be sixty years old, will I think the world is cold
Or will I have a lot of children who can warm me?
Soon I'll be sixty years old

Once I was seven years old, my mama told me,
"Go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely."
Once I was seven years old

Once I was seven years old

Relationship Solutions

14 Signs You’re Bored With Your Relationship by Koty Neelis

1. You can’t remember the last time you two did something adventurous together. When was the last time you took a weekend away or tried something new together?

2. When you go out either alone or with friends you see better dating potentials everywhere.

3. You’re constantly reminiscing on better times or bringing up the past from when you two were first falling in love. Everything from before seems better than it is now and you wish you could get back to that time.

4. You’ve both let your daily schedules get the best of you. You come home at the same time, go to the same brunch spot every weekend, and keep the same schedule day in and day out. You’ve forgotten how to be spontaneous.

5. You have a gut feeling deep inside this person probably isn’t someone you’ll be with long term or you have a feeling you’re not in the right relationship. If you have to ask yourself if the relationship is right, chances are you already know the answer.

6. You miss being single and envy your single friends. It always seems like they’re having so much more fun without you.

7. The sex isn’t as great as it used to be. Either you or your partner don’t seem to find any interest in spicing it up at the moment and you’re not sure if you even really care anymore to try and put in more effort.

8. You don’t feel bad about canceling dates and sort of feel relieved when they get too busy to spend time with you.

9. You avoid talking about the future. Whereas you once loved dreaming with them about the kind of city you might move to together or just talking about trips you’d like to go on in the next few months, you’re not really interested in making those kinds of tentative plans anymore.

10. You get into arguments for stupid reasons and find yourself becoming annoyed or irritated at minor things they say or do. You think maybe you’re just having a bad week or a bad day but no, pretty much everything about them can be found annoying now.

11. You don’t care about impressing them anymore. It’s not that you’ve given up, it’s just that putting in the extra effort to look more attractive around them just seems like a waste of time.

12. Your friends ask you about them and you don’t really have anything to say. You’re no longer enthused to talk about them or the things you’ve been doing together.

13. Things you once loved about them have now become huge liabilities. When you started dating their quirky traits were adorable but now you find them to be major personality flaws. You’ve even thought back to the first few months of dating and wondered how you didn’t catch those red flags.

14. You’ve started thinking more about what you might like to do if you weren’t attached. You think about finally taking that trip across Europe you wanted to do or a project you’d like to work on if you had more time. You start considering how many more things you could do if you didn’t have to worry about a relationship.


The relationship is sooo much fun for the first few months but begins to downhill. This is because the first few months you are getting to know each other. Both of you cannot stop thinking of each other. But once you know everything about each other it's...really gets boring. Well, you don’t need to feel guilty if you’re getting bored with your relationship. Ask yourself a questions, why you’re getting bored with your relationship and fine solution to your question

I know some of the reason why some couples don't last is because they don't do anything to keep the relationship going. You need to talk to your partner. Talk to them about random things, spice things up...etc. Sometimes just talking/doing random things can bring people closer together. Relationships can get monotonous, which is why you need to make the effort to change things up a bit. I found a website recently and I think it's kinda good. You can check it out yourself.. They give ideas and inspirations on relationships. 17 Things To Do When You Get Bored In Your Relationship

#A relationship is like a house. When a lightbulb burns out you do not go and buy a new house, you fix the light bulb.

Saturday 16 July 2016

it's been a year...

A beige color with a partially pink eye rim and completely pink nose. This was how she was when I first saw her and took her in my hands... It's been a year since you left the world...My heart breaks every time I think of you not being here with me. I really wished I would have taken you on more walks... I miss your fur, your smell and your air bites.. I know you were sick and I know you were trying soooo hard to make it seems like you were ok. You were my lil tough dog. I am so grateful that I got to have you for 4 years. =,]  You will always be in my heart and I'll miss you forever 

Tuesday 12 July 2016

mark my words

Self absorbed people only think about what makes them feel good at the moment - they don't have any respect or regard for anyone else.

People who are selfish are always thinking that their way of living life is best and whoever tries to give them advice is just trying to harm him/her or has hidden motives. ( #ps: don'ttttt get toooooo negative ) You don't trust all of the criticism that comes your way BUT if you think clearly, you might realized that a lot of people are telling you the same thing, right? Learn to listen to people, to weigh the pros and cons of any situation. 
Don't be the person who always thinks me me me and has to get everything first. You may be finding it difficult to have other people view you as something other than what they expected you to be. Nah! stop thinking that way and learn to move forward and to become a new person. Peoples who know you may be ''amazed'' that you're being selfless/stopped obsessing over yourself;

If you've met someone vvv selfish or perhaps have a friend who is too selfish and self-absorbed, make a time to talk with them. If your friend seems uninterested in your concerns, he/she may not see a need to change, and it's unlikely that he/she ever will. By that time you may consider to keep your distance from him/her. Good luck!

Sunday 10 July 2016

cute creations

Today I'm going to be reviewing a decoden shop called Wasabie's CollectionsThis is my 2nd purchase from her, and definitely won't be my last because she is insanely talented and creative. Everything in Wasabie's Collections is handmade! From resins to whipped cream. It is owned and run by Wasabie, the attentive and sweetest girl who creates all the items in her store herself. She specialize in custom order decoden phone cases  for various phone models and ready made accessories such as key chains, hairband, pluggy...etc and she really puts a lot of time, effort, and love into her work.

This is how it was all packaged. As expected, all super cute! ( Good things come in pretty packages ♥ ). It was vvvv carefully packaged and attached with a sweet note and a lovely present!

  The quality of work, attention to detail, colour scheme are vvv perfect!

Here are some close ups of my case. The lilac/pale pastel color case is exactly what I wanted. There's no flaws at all I asked her to do a Unicorn theme and she customized it better than anything I dreamed of and I was soooooo pleasantly surprised with the quality and durability of this adorable case! ♥ Seriously I squeeled like a lil girl when I opened my package and saw the case. Above and beyond what I thought I was getting. ♥♥♥ Now to the price: The decoden custom case costs me RM 56.00. Well worth the money.

I also just could not resist getting myself the decoden mini macarons storage box ( Each RM 10.00 ) from her store. Adorable is the most appropriate word I think I can use for these storage box. This 3cm diameter decoden macaron shaped storage box is perfect for storing my valuable jewelry or small accessories. =D

I am extremely satisfied with my phone case from Wasabie's Collections and I would highly recommend her store to anyone looking for a decoden case or cute accessories. Be sure to check out her work because they’re reallyyyyy amazing and the quality is 10/10! =D

Friday 8 July 2016

Le trip to Kundasang

I planned a short getaway to Kundasang and decided to stay in Mesilau as I have never stayed there before. Here I would like to share with you guys some tips and information. There are few options depending on your convenience to go Kundasang. Either self drive or rent a car. The rental cost ranging from RM 150.00 - RM 250.00 daily depending on the type of car you rent. As we're 7 people, so we rent a Hiance to go Kundasang. After 2 and half hour drive from KK, we reach Kundasang!!! YAY!!!!!

Mesilau Loziah homestay surrounded by plants and flowers is our accommodation for 1 nights. Just a short 3 min drive away from Desa Dairy Farm. It is a good alternative to those who would not want to splurge in their accommodation. Loziah homestay costs RM 200.00 per day. Fully furnished with 2 bathroom with water heaters, 1 kitchen (with basic facilities), 2 bedroom, living room with NJOI Astro, balcony with gas BBQ facilities and outdoor seating. The homestay was spacious with old style furniture. ( ps : the owners are vvv nice and helpful. ) Remember to bring thick clothes and socks if u intend to spend the night in Mesilau. Temperature here ranges from 13°C to 16°C at night. 

Thanks to James for bringing us here 89小吃站 and thanks for your lunch treats! Best pork knuckle I've ever had! vvv tender and succulent. 

It really feels good to have steamboat ( hotpot with a divider so we have two different soup bases =D ) on a cool windy night!!! 

We went to visit the Desa Dairy Farm on second day. The farm is located just in front of the magnificient view of Kinabalu Mountain. We paid RM 5.00 for each person at the entrance and drove a few more minutes until we reached the farm which is a cattle farm with a concept somewhat like can be found in New Zealand. If you have ever wondered how milk is made, Desa Dairy Farm is the place for you =)

Calves feeding time!!! There’s cows and goats in the calves section. You can buy grass ( RM1.00 per bunch ) or milk ( RM1.50 per bottle ) and experience feeding the calf on your own.

Dairy products such as fresh dairy or choc milk are the main products on sale. To anyone having their holiday up at Kundasang must make a pit stop at Desa Dairy Farm and order the Gelato Ice Cream! ( RM 5.30 per scoop ). I chose yoghurt flavor and it was nice!

Wefie before leaving Kundasang! Fingers crossed for good weather lol. My holidays ended perfectly although only managed to spend a night out from the city. Kundasang is one of the recommended places to visit for nature lovers. ( p/s : if you are planning a visit during these times, be prepared to face heavy traffics and do book in advance as accommodation in almost all lodgings would be full especially during weekends and public holiday. )

Tuesday 5 July 2016

My lil hammies

Few days ago my boyfie surprised me with Roborovski HAMMIES and I'm kind of flabbergasted LOL! I named them bokji. My hammie doesn't like I stroking them. I tried the tricks and none of them work. They are vvv defensive compared to a Syrian hammie. Btw I used to have a Syrian and It was really tame and inquisitive. I believe bokji can be tamed too. The key to successfully taming the them is patience and persistence.

I'm sharing some tips for taming the hammies, hope you find these tips useful. Good luck!
  • Give it time to get used to its environments before trying to tame it. 
  • Let your hammie come to you instead of grabbing it. 
  • Put your hand flat in the cage and let your hamster come to you. Don’t try to grab it. Allow the hammie to get used to your smell.
  • Offer your hamster treats.
  • Play with your hammie daily so that it remains tame.

*Sorry for the blur and poor quality pictures*

Sunday 3 July 2016


在这里和你们分享好用经济又实惠的护肤品。我的皮肤是属于敏感混合偏油型,毛孔粗糙,很容易长粉刺。后来经朋友介绍就买了一瓶伊世茗尚小魔刷来试试,使用后不但没有过敏而且脸不干也不紧绷。氨基酸成分的伊世茗尚小魔刷是卸妆清洁二合一的洁面泡沫最主要的是还有按摩功效的软硅胶刷头,可以深层清洁,减少手于面部的交叉感染。轻轻一按泡沫就来,pH值是弱酸性,保护角质层不刺激皮肤。( 皮肤只有在正常的pH值范围内,也就是处于弱酸性,才能使皮肤处于吸收营养的最佳状态。)清洁脸部是所有保养程序之中最重要的环节之一,有了干净的肌底,后续的保养效应才能更有效的展现出来。

本人已用第三瓶了,肤质确实改善不少。一瓶小魔刷可用2至3个月。(价格RM 110.00包邮)





✔ 氨基酸
✔ 草本精华
✔ 泡沫状
✔ 软硅胶刷头

  1. 控油好,美白,去污能力强。
  2. 改善痘痘,黑斑等皮肤问题。
  3. 卸妆一次完成,干净方便。
  4. 清除毛孔内的黑头粉刺。
  5. 天然成分,无激素,无添加剂。
  6. 适用所有肌肤,改善敏感肌肤。
  7. 祛痘,祛痘印,祛黑头。

Dr. Morita森田药粧因功效卓越的医美面膜闻名亚太区,如今该品牌终于进驻马来西亚!在全马各地的Guardian均有出售。第一次使用森田药妆的玻尿酸精华水凝霜应该是在今年年初,这个牌子就连女人我最大,台湾美容大师牛尔都有推荐过。

本人已用第二罐了,每晚睡前取少许份量敷在脸上, 隔天妆容不但更服贴,也会更持久。一罐100ml容量的玻尿酸精华水凝霜可用约2个月。(价格如果没有记错应该是RM 39.90,价格很亲民吧?是小资女孩入门款的首选之一哦)





✔ 玻尿酸
✔ 小分子玻尿酸
✔ 水解膠原
✔ 玫瑰花水

  1. 玻尿酸钠:超保湿因子,可持续全天深层锁水,避免水分流失、能让肌肤水嫩、紧致有弹性,并可淡化细纹。
  2. 天然保湿因子PCA-NA:能迅速渗透角质层,保湿补水,有效改善粗糙肌肤,恢复水嫩与弹性,是与玻尿酸最好的组合成份。
  3. 水解玻尿酸:水解玻尿酸的分子可迅速渗入角质层,达到深层保水作用。
  4. 玫瑰花水:保湿、柔敏、舒缓肌肤功效。


Saturday 2 July 2016

Jelly Bunny?

The Thai shoe franchise, Jelly Bunny is a stylish shoes brand that offers semi-transparent material. It offers a variety of fashion products including bags, shoes and accessories. To be honest I've never been to Jelly Bunny before and never paid too much attention to this brand but now I realize what I've been missing! hahaha. I went to the outlet located in Oceanus last week and I was amazed with the stylish and trendy products.

I love lilac ( pale violet tone color ) and this tote definitely caught my eyes! ♥ 

Friday 1 July 2016

Hello, July

Hello July!!! It's time to declaring my monthly goals post. I always feel a bit silly doing this because my track record is kind of crummy. I realize there is nothing special about the beginning of the but there is something magical about ''1'' (first) on the calendar to motivate myself.

July goals:

✦ Lose weight ✦
✦ Blog more ✦
✦ Consume 8 glasses of water per day ✦
✦ Keeping the house clean ✦