Tuesday 22 November 2016

poor neglected blog =(

I have been soooo busy lately that I have completely neglected my blog! It’s not because there is nothing to post but I have been busy handling other things like online selling =)  I will try to get caught up soon. Feeling lil depressed because of ... my boyfie. Last Friday we had an argument ( small issue actually ).  I always feel so upset after a fight especially when its my fault. We have small arguments occasionally but never lasted longer than one hour. My boyfie is so calm and patient with me all the time. He doesn't get angry at me easily, he is always soooo forgiving of me and I can't understand how or why. I genuinely cannot x_x Sometimes I do things like act stubborn to get my own way and I expect him to be vv angry at me but he isn't... Ughh shall talk about something happy instead. There are exciting times ahead! I'm soooo excited for Christmas!!! It really is the most wonderful time of the year! I'm mainly excited for the lights, Christmas tree, decorations, music ... etc..

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