Thursday 3 November 2016

highest stats =X

I ... feel like I have nothing to talk about today. Sometimes you might feel the same way right? So what do you do when you don't feel like talking? For me, kinda like right now, I just sit down and start writing...( typing actually ). I've been asked frequently ''Why do u blog ar?'' ''U blogging for fun or for payoff ar?'' Ehem, I know most people are blogging for fun rather than for pro reasons, and most just want to share their life experiences. =) For me, it’s about the thoughts and stories that I went thru, some involving food, movie and great place to be visit, but not always. Getting ''traffic'' is a goal for a lot of people, but for me that’s really not something I focus on. There’s an old saying that says “If u keep ur eyes on the future, u can’t see the present.”  I love ''telling'' stories with pictures ( making a photo essay XD ) whether is my own photos or pictures I downloaded from web. Remember the previous time I said that I blog because I want to capture the memories I go thru in my life? If you haven't read or can't remember, here's my post on it. I blog whatever I feel I like and I write reviews because I like to share my opinion about the certain topic. Recently I have noticed that one of my post ( pageviews ) hits 2k++. That's the most I've received in a month+ This post really keeping readers attention eh. First and foremost, thanks for clicking my blog and check out my post where I review about the movie. *wink*

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