Wednesday 23 November 2016


I have a pen, I have an apple! Ughhh apple-pen! I have a pen, I have pineapple! Ughh pineapple pen! apple-pen, pineapple-pen! pen-pineapple-apple-pen! It became viral on internet and being recognized by Guinness World of Record as part of the Billboard Hot 100!!! I said to myself the first time I watched this is " apa shit? Why so many people got addicted to this stupidity? " but now I'm one of them LOL!!! Some find it senseless and annoying right? =D For me, it's actually funny as hell! ROFL!!  I've watched this numerous times and still think it is damn funnyyy!! Well, the song is illogical ( how a pen in an apple and a pen in a pineapple can change the order and have two fruits stuck together in the middle by nothing and have two pens sticking out??? ) BUT I believe some people out there really enjoy these type of videos.

This R&B version is better than the original version. me likeyyyy!!! =3

#Don't bomb me, I'm just sharing for fun XD

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