Friday 22 January 2016

What doesn‘t kill you makes you stronger

Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. Strength comes from overcoming the things you'd thought you couldn't. Without struggle, there is no progress. =)




Tuesday 19 January 2016

Love of my life

For me, drawing easier than painting. Sketching techniques ↓↓↓

Pencil sketch potrait ♥ boyfie

Monday 18 January 2016

What women really want

Most woman really doesn’t want much from a man. There are several things that she’s looking for in a lifetime partner. Although no one is 100% perfect but there are plenty of men out there...not perfectly BUT sufficient enuf to make a woman incredibly happy. =) Some women may be attracted to handsome guy BUT physical appearance ONLY a minor part. most importantly is behaviour & personality. Mission to win the heart of women will become much easier if a man knows exactly what women really want. So if you want to win a woman’s heart, you need to show that you care, about her bcz women fall for a man who is genuinely caring. They wouldn’t commit relationship with a man they know would not appreciate and value them. Loyalty is also needed because it creates commitment & dedication to someone you care for. No woman will want to share her man with another woman. This is why unloyalty is most often the cause of failure relationships. In addition to the point stated as above, women also admire a man who is able to see a situation that needs to be deal with. Men should able to make decisions and take responsibility for the consequences. Women will back off if men hesitant to make decisions and waits for others to solve the problem. According to the survey report, women on average are attracted to a man who is hardworking. Nothing is more attractive than a focused, hardworking man and...I'm sooo blessed to have '' him '' by my side. 。◕‿ ◕。

Thursday 14 January 2016


滴一滴在枕头上面 安静的呼吸
闭上眼睛回想从前你总会 靠着我沉沉睡去

我呼吸你 呼吸空气呼吸你淡淡香气
一点痕迹 证明我对你不能切割干净的感情
我又如何能够置之不理 Woo~
我呼吸你 呼吸回忆呼吸你坚持要离开的决定
你的气息 忘不掉飞散不去 霸占我的呼吸
我会笑 因为空气有你 和回忆

关于生活你我之间的差异 总以为不是问题

我呼吸你 呼吸空气呼吸你淡淡香气
一点痕迹 证明我对你不能切割干净的感情
我又如何能够置之不理 Woo~
我呼吸你 呼吸回忆呼吸你坚持要离开的决定
你的气息 忘不掉飞散不去 霸占我的呼吸
我会笑 因为空气有你 和回忆

Tuesday 12 January 2016

My Pandora Story

Pandora is a simple yet elegant jewelry collection that consist of bracelets, charms, rings, earrings and necklaces. Pandora has something for you whether you're animal lovers or love to travel etc...That's why it appeals to so many people. Although it quite pricey but I think it's worth because every lil charm has a story attached to it. Below is my Pandora bracelet. It began as a Valentine's gift for myself and grown slowly into a treasured piece that tells my story...

Another new charm ( FAITH ) added to my collection.  The Essence FAITH collection charm is made from sterling silver with smooth synthetic amethyst.

Sunday 10 January 2016

Dine with Hello Kitty

The last time I blogged was last week? Oopss! Seems so long ago. Btw boyfie and I visited to this Hello Kitty theme cafe ( Hostel Ceylon Cafe 36 ) on beginning of the month. It is located at the Hutton lane, Georgetown. This café is literally Hello Kitty overload =D Comfortable environment, delicious dessert and coffee. An excellent cafe for relaxing.

Entrance of cafe
Hello Kitty's corner
Hello Kitty !!!
Menu of Hello Kitty Café
I'm a lil obsessed 
Every corner in this cafe is just too lovely
Cuteness overloaded ♥♥♥

Monday 4 January 2016

My New Year's resolutions

Happy New Year 2016 everyone! The new year is a good starting point for journeys and I’m sooo excited to see where 2016 takes me =) Now is New Year’s resolution time!!!! Many people make New Year's resolutions in January. A resolution is something that you are going to do or change. My New Year's resolutions is blog moreee, I really enjoyed blogging and I want to blog as much as I can this year. I can look back what I blogged and remember what I did and how much I enjoyed it. My second resolution is eat healthier & workout regularly. I don’t want to start some crazy New Year’s diet that won’t last. I’m all about making healthy lifestyle changes and I think this is a really good one. If you are still debating whether to set one, then pick up a pen and go for it =D

Daily money saving challenge

SPEND LESS MONEY, SAVE MORE MONEY! So here are the details...This is literally the easiest way to save more than RM5k in a year!!!!! Lemme explain if you have never heard of the daily money saving challenge, The first week you save RM28, second week RM77, third week RM126 and so on. So one month you will have saved RM465-RM496. 

At the end of the year you’ll have almost RM5k+ saved up and ready to go on vacation or keep it in the savings acc and start the challenge over again in 2017 =D 

Saturday 2 January 2016

A promise of love

When I began my research on what's the definition of promise ring, I got few diff answers. Some people view promise rings as ‘‘pre-engagement rings” or rings that pledge your love to your significant other and promise that one day in the future, you will get married. For me, promise rings are a huge commitment! The rings is a constant reminder of their promise to be together. The rings are often worn on the middle finger. It can really be any ring whether it’s expensive or inexpensive, as long as it looks good on the hand of your significant other. Time has passed so fast and in just a blink of an eye, it's 4 months already. I'll never get bored of it cause seeing you just brightens up my day. Thanks for tolerating all my nonsense all these while. I feel really blessed to have you in my life. xoxo ♥

Friday 1 January 2016

Reviews & Previews

New Year’s Eve is the last day of the year. It is always an exciting time bcz people look forward to welcoming a new year. It is also a good time to think back & say goodbye to the old year. 2015... ... An unforgettable year for me... 2015 taught me how to deal with heartbreaks, how fake people could be and who are the ones who are truly your friends & still there for you = ) Bye 2015! I'm leaving you with lots of LESSONS. =,) For the first time since boyfie & I not in KK ( We were in Penang ), we did things a lil differently this year. We’d spend New Year’s eve sleeping in bed and then waking up to a new year. Hurmm.. life kinda dull. =3

Penang Georgetown's midnight view from 21st floor @ St. Giles Wembley Premier Hotel - 12:05am

Penang Georgetown's morning view from 21st floor @ St. Giles Wembley Premier Hotel - 8:05am

St. Giles Wembley hotel is one of the brand under Cititel Hotel Management and one of the latest luxury hotels in Georgetown. The hotel just across the road from the iconic KOMTAR ( the tallest building in Penang ) and opposite the 1st Avenue Shopping mall. I had spend my time in St Giles Wembley Premier Hotel for 4 days 3 nights. The room was as expected, very tidy & clean. You can get a pretty good view if you stay at the higher levels.