Saturday 2 January 2016

A promise of love

When I began my research on what's the definition of promise ring, I got few diff answers. Some people view promise rings as ‘‘pre-engagement rings” or rings that pledge your love to your significant other and promise that one day in the future, you will get married. For me, promise rings are a huge commitment! The rings is a constant reminder of their promise to be together. The rings are often worn on the middle finger. It can really be any ring whether it’s expensive or inexpensive, as long as it looks good on the hand of your significant other. Time has passed so fast and in just a blink of an eye, it's 4 months already. I'll never get bored of it cause seeing you just brightens up my day. Thanks for tolerating all my nonsense all these while. I feel really blessed to have you in my life. xoxo ♥

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