Friday 1 January 2016

Reviews & Previews

New Year’s Eve is the last day of the year. It is always an exciting time bcz people look forward to welcoming a new year. It is also a good time to think back & say goodbye to the old year. 2015... ... An unforgettable year for me... 2015 taught me how to deal with heartbreaks, how fake people could be and who are the ones who are truly your friends & still there for you = ) Bye 2015! I'm leaving you with lots of LESSONS. =,) For the first time since boyfie & I not in KK ( We were in Penang ), we did things a lil differently this year. We’d spend New Year’s eve sleeping in bed and then waking up to a new year. Hurmm.. life kinda dull. =3

Penang Georgetown's midnight view from 21st floor @ St. Giles Wembley Premier Hotel - 12:05am

Penang Georgetown's morning view from 21st floor @ St. Giles Wembley Premier Hotel - 8:05am

St. Giles Wembley hotel is one of the brand under Cititel Hotel Management and one of the latest luxury hotels in Georgetown. The hotel just across the road from the iconic KOMTAR ( the tallest building in Penang ) and opposite the 1st Avenue Shopping mall. I had spend my time in St Giles Wembley Premier Hotel for 4 days 3 nights. The room was as expected, very tidy & clean. You can get a pretty good view if you stay at the higher levels.

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