Friday 9 October 2015


Well I'm not really good at these things, but... I just want you to know how much I adore you ♥

  • I love your smiles... it melts my heart 
  • I love when you hold my hand
  • I love the way you get shy ( so kawaii )
  • I love your eyes
  • I love you always make me laugh
  • I love when you just randomly start singing on the phone/inside the car
  • I love hearing you say you love me
  • I love how you treat me like no one else has treated me, like I actually matter
  • I love when you give me a massage ( more often please! )
  • I love our long conversation ( phone calls )
  • I love when you tell me you'll never let me go
  • I love how much you care about me
  • I love your sensitivity
  • I love the way you make my problems your own and sort them out with me
  • I love you never fails to cheer me up in an instant whenever I’m upset
  • I love your voice ( your voice is the last I wanna hear before I sleep )
  • I love your hair, even you don't spike it
  • you've seen my good sides, and my bad..and still love me
  • you always make me see things in a different way, better than what I'd of managed on my own
  • you've just asked me if it was alright if you were going home in an hour

I amazed that I've just written 20 things that I love about you! You need to start realising just how amazing you really are! I'm so thankful to be able play a role in your life. That's such an achievement, Trust me :) I'm honoured to say I have you xoxo

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