Monday 23 November 2015

50 random facts

I don’t know if these are interesting or not. But seriously, I’ve listed all random things that I know about myself. Here you go! XD

  1. I hate my name but I love ‘M’. 
  2. I can spend hours organizing things so that it looks like the way I want.
  3. I love potatoes. Mashed/baked/fried/chipped/roasted.
  4. Some call me weirdo, some call me psycho, some call me shy, and some even call me smart. =)
  5. If you bully me then you’re simply giving me a chance to ignore you FOREVER.
  6. I’m obsessed with lilac color.
  7. My favorite number is ‘2’ since childhood.
  8. My favorite weekday is “Friday”
  9. I never stop Googling things. LOL
  10. I hate writing but I love blogging. =)
  11. I...don’t like religious talks & religious rituals.
  12. I cut my nails really really short.
  13. I wish I went to art school. =(
  14. I love grocery shopping and I can spend hours in the store exploring new products.
  15. I have no grammar skills. 
  16. When anyone is late, I start to worry that something bad may have happened.
  17. I love Christmas season. =)
  18. I hate teppanyaki.
  19. I hate the taste of beer.
  20. I love Starbucks.
  21. I love to travel. My goal is to visit one new country every year. =)
  22. I love McD.
  23. I dislike yellow color.
  24. I am possessive. What's mine is mine. Especially the people I claim mine.
  25. I love bubbles.
  26. I have trust issues. I push people away because I want to test them.
  27. I overthink things toooo much!
  28. I don't like caramel.
  29. I love sirloin steak.
  30. I love horror film.
  31. I love nail polish, but half the time I'm too lazy to paint my nails.
  32. I have a reallyyy hard time falling asleep at night.
  33. My dream vacation is to go to Santorini.
  34. I don't really like Italian food.
  35. I love the beach but I can't swim.
  36. My blood type is O+
  37. I love unicorn.
  38. I’m terrified of lizards.
  39. Music with loud bass makes me happy. =)
  40. I'm an extremely sensitive person.
  41. I like to be different from everyone else.
  42. I love anything that glows in the dark!
  43. I love playing with legos.
  44. I dislike cats.
  45. I try to be myself all the time, but sometimes I feel like their is a different version of myself for every person in my life...
  46. My favorite late night snack is noodle soup.
  47. When I feel sad, I create art.
  48. I forgive but I never forget.
  49. I love steamboat. =D
  50. I don't like strawberry flavored milk.

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