Friday 13 November 2015

Boys are NOT ATM!

I see that many girls think that their boyfriend is their ATM card and they never pay the bills at restaurants or for any other purchases. Oh well if money is the most you see in him, don't be shocked if sex is all he sees in you. I once had a friend who borrowed money from friends to buy a branded stuff for ''his'' gf. It's horribly detestable when girls demand gifts from boys especially in the case where both parties are still not working and still getting allowances from their parents. if I were the guy, I'd rather give that money to my parents so they won't have to work so hard. Girls always say that they like to be treated like princesses BUT.. boys like to be pampered too!!! If you want to be treated like a princess, ask yourself if you are treating your man like someone who is worthy of a princess or not. A healthy relationship would be a Princess & a Prince, NOT a Princess & a slave/dog.

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