Friday 13 November 2015

Hey can I borrow some money? Sorry, I'm broke!

I hate borrowing money from friends or anyone in general because I hate the fact that I owe someone money. I don't like to have any money matters with friends and I hate 99% of people who borrow money. But it all depends on the amount they're asking for. If the person repays me back then I may consider doing it again, but if they fail to pay me back as they say they would. Sorry! I'll make an excuse the next time they ask again.

I have a friend and she moved to new place with almost no money in her bank acc. She declared she didn't have enough money to eat and I lend her money BUT at the same time she was blowing tons of money, Facebook post " Yeah! I'm going on vacation " !!!!! Buys Starbucks in the morning, MCD in the evening, Starbucks again at night and then has another meal after that. Seriously WTF?? I've had one repayment, the rest have stalled, never ever again!!! Hey girl, you should only borrow money if you ABSOLUTELY NEED it for survival. I've even had a friend who borrowed money from me to buy a gold pendant for her lover. You strained our friendships because you don't have the ability to pay me back. These people are totally irresponsible and no intention of paying money back. 

I've come across people who borrow some money from me, and they NEVER EVER pay it back. They are ALWAYS in a bad financial situation and can't pay me back for whichever reason. But on the other hand they are going out for fun. People like this piss me off!! I was working to pay loan, water, food, gas, phone credit etc. all completely on MY OWN, no help whatsoever!

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