Wednesday 11 November 2015

Thoughts on...marriage

Someone once told me that women shouldn't get married till they are ''mature enough''. Actually get married early or not is basically based on your own opinion and on whether do you truly unds what is love and what is marriage for. I have some friends who think that they shouldn't get married at all. They rather live with the one they love. Personally I think the ''points'' to consider whether to get married or not is do you know your partner well enough? do you really love her/him? and why do you want to commit to this person? 

Marriage isn't like a fairy tales and it's not just a relationship but also a social responsibility after all. Most people like to make promises impulsively. They promise this & that but in the end...they failed to do so. Marriage life is like...binding ourselves with both our families. This is really something you should consider before deciding you should get married or not? The very thing that couples always quarrel about is money. Money is a big part about reality. It's ain't easy to support each other and don't care about yourself but your family when you're cash tight. For an example, if you only have RM200 to survive for the month, would you rather starve and let your lover eat? is easy, but action is hard. You need to be ready to face all challenges. You need to know how to love before marriage and face challenges together. Love only becomes love and relationship really stables when you see change and sacrifice.

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