Monday 16 November 2015

Do you have boyfriend requirements list?

Nah! just admit it, we’ve all done it! LOL We’ve all made a list of what we’re looking for in a guy. Sometimes the requirements are simple and sometimes the list is slightly insane. XD

Here is my list: ( don't laugh XD )

  1. Must be smart. Not necessarily super smart BUT smart enough. ( at least smarter than me )
  2. Must never ever be flirtatious.
  3. Must be super spontaneouslyyy romantic.
  4. Says goodnight every night and I love you everyday without being annoying.
  5. Understands me even thought I make no sense.
  6. Would sing to me.
  7. Must taller than me.
  8. Likes to get out and play sports or do fun things. ( It's bored to date someone who has no fun or doesn't want to get out and enjoy life. )
  9. Have a cute smile. =)
  10. Must love animals.

YOU meet the requirements ♥ 

you are my type ♥ 

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