Friday 6 May 2016

Backpack: Yay or Nay?

So I met up with boyfie today. We headed to Suria cause I wanted to choose a pressie for my sista. I'm actually looking for a durable and comfortable bag for myself too. Eeeee...It is a daily struggle for me to carry ALL OF MY JUNK to work/shop. Most recently I've been using tote bag. One of the consequences of carrying a tote on one shoulder for longgg time will leads the side effect like shoulder becomes slightly higher than the other. This issue leads me considering a backpack. The straps add stability and provide for a more balanced posture. I spotted a lapel leather backpack at Mango store. Wow!!! This is definitely my type!!!!!! but the prices were bit exorbitant. I googled search and found that the backpack are made from 100% bovine leather. It comes with 3 diff color and I prefer the black one because it goes well with every outfit! The sand color is not bad too but it is pretty obvious when it gets dirt. 

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