Sunday 15 May 2016

moral story

Once a man and his wife were taking a donkey to the market. As they were walking, some people saw them and remarked, ‘Look at these fools, why don’t they ride the donkey?’ The man heard this and asked his wife to ride the donkey while he walked alongside. A man seeing this remarked, ‘What is the world coming to? Look at that woman riding comfortably while he makes his poor husband walk!’ So the woman got down and this time the man rode the donkey. As they went along, another man passing by said, ‘Why don’t both of you get on the animal?’ So they listened to him and both rode on the animal. Yet another group who saw them said, ‘Oh! What a poor animal. It has to carry those two fat good-for-nothings! How cruel some people can be!’ By this time the man and woman were getting quite fed up. They decided to dismount and carry the donkey instead so as to stop everyone from talking. This led people to laugh and say, ‘look at these human “donkey” carrying a donkey’. 

Moral Story: We cannot please everybody

You cant please everyone. They own their thoughts, reactions, and beliefs. We cannot live being obsessed with what other people think about us. So instead of feeling stressed and frustrated, just be yourself and welcome the peace and happiness that will come your way. =)

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