Thursday 26 May 2016

men with beards?

Whether you grow a beard or not, how women perceive you is not up to you. *rolling eyes* There are women who love men with beard because bearded men showed more signs of macho behavior. But there are number of ladies that think beards are dirty. yes! D-I-R-T-Y No doubt that some guys look really awesome with beards, some don't. If his beard accentuates his face and well-groomed, then ok; if it looks like TUPAI then HELL NOOOO!!! I think it entirely depends on the person and their face, and ability to grow a beard. If you can't grow a nice beard, just accept your fate and shave that crap off. Sorry to say I'd rather have clean-shaven than nasty, overgrown beard boyfie. Everyone is entitled to their own views. Once a woman forms an opinion that beards are dirty, there is not much convincing you can do to change her mind. kthxbye!!

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