Friday 13 May 2016

the good old days

I look back on my life and think about things I wish I knew earlier. It would have made my life so much easier if I knew then what I know now. I wish I could turn back the hands of time to tell my younger self. ( I wish I hadn't wasted 4years+ on my miserable ex! ) I want an exciting and a fulfilling life with happy times, but I just don't know how it can happen unless I get confident and overcome my issues. Lately, I've been wondering, what if I went thru high school again but with the experience and personality I have today? I will study harder and make myself much neater. make more friends...I miss quite a few things from high school.  I miss the freedom and sense of imaginative futures where I don't seem locked into a career path, pretending to listen to teachers, sneak out with friends after school, and look forward to school holidays. No debt, no bills, life was easy. Life now is all about the responsibility, work and becoming more and more stressful...

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