Saturday 30 April 2016

Happy FriDATE night!

So my boyfie and I made plans for yesterday and I'm glad everything goes well! Firstly, we headed to Paper Boat for dinner at Hiltop. Secondly, headed off to 下火堂 at Warisan Square for dessert after dinner. I love eating and a passion to share those wonderful foods that I have found =D

This place comes highly recommended. The ambiance is pretty good but the place is crowded XD
2 selection only ↓→  boyfie chose laksa while I chose prawn noodle soup

Laksa ( garnished with prawn, sliced pork, braised egg, mint leaves, fried lard, crunchy spring rolls...etc ) The soup was mildly spicy and tasty but not as flavorful as I expected. #PS : Skip it if you're on diet lol

There's a choice of either soup or dry. I ordered what seemed to be the most popular choice - prawn noodle soup! ( choices of diff type of noodles are available ) I had the mixed version with prawns and roasted pork. The soup is thick and slightly salty but overall ok #PS : Want it more spicy? Add on ur chilly paste!

Paper Boat

Ground Floor, Lot 3, Kolam Plaza, Luyang, 
88300, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Tel : 088 - 211 222

Operating hours : 

Tue-Thu :  4:00 pm - 1:30 am
Fri-Sat :  4:00 pm - 2:30 am
Sun :  4:00 pm - 1:30 am

These were sweet temptations we had at 下火堂 for dessert! The

芒果捞 ( Fresh mangoes with syrup and basil seeds. can you spot the Hello Kitty mango pudding? It made with mango pulp. so yummyliciousss!! )

香芋么么渣渣 ( consists of watermelon, honeydew, boiled yam and sweet fragrant coconut milk )


Block A2, Ground Floor, 
Lot 11, Warisan Square,
Jalan Tun Fuad Stephens.,
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

Operating hours : 

11am - 12am

Friday 29 April 2016

Life is a gift ❣

There are many unexpected moments in our lives. Some bring us joys and laughter and some bring us despair and grief. There are numerous shocking events around the world like the mysterious disappearance of the MH370, the crash of MH17, the Paris terror attacks, the sinking of the ferry Sewol...etc. We don't know what tomorrow brings. We make plans but God directs our paths. Someone you really love and care for can be gone in the blink of an eye, so please cherish every moment with those you love at every stage of your journey ❣

Can you stay friends with your EX?

I won't block you or delete you. I'm keeping you there so you're able to see how happy I am
Unfortunately...EX don’t disappear from the earth after a breakup. I’m not saying I want my exes to suffer a major tragedy, but I definitely want them to be far less happy and successful than I am lol. I don't unds those couples who stay friends after a breakup. Why do you want to remain friends? I used to think this was possible because I had fun with them and don't want to feel like the time we spent was wasted. In my mind, these are all good reasons and previously, I've tried to do so. but now I'm not sure. What's changed my mind? Firstly... There’s a difference between being friends and being friendly.  

Being friends involve frequent communication and hang out frequently but being friendly means that if we pass on the street, I’ll just smile and probably say hi? A relationship ends has an effect on what happens afterward. If it ended badly like cheating, abusive etc then attempting to form a subsequent friendship can be difficult. for an example, if you felt neglected by your partner during the relationship and your bond with him was weakening you won't suddenly become friends with him afterwards. right? However, if your relationship ends peacefully, then a post-breakup friendship seems more feasible. But if you are comfortable in being friends, there's no issue. If you think that even knowing about his/her life is going to hurt you, then you should not even be in touch! As long as you both are perfectly ok and comfortable with seeing each other, accepting each other as ''just friend'' and don't get jealous if your 'ex' is flirting with someone else. =)

Thursday 28 April 2016

handmade girly stuff ♥♥♥

I absolutely love online shopping =D  Once I know what I want to buy for a friend or myself, I like to go online and spend a minute or two searching the web to find the item and buy it. Recently I browsing/searching thru photos on Insta, I saw something that caught my eye wasabie_dailydreamer Honestly I love handmade stuffs because someone else is using their talents to create gifts/decor that myself cannot make. =P Ohhh I must express my undying love for everything about lilac color lol. ↓

Attached note. aww~ the online seller was so sweet and friendly :3 *C.O.D is available*

Cute pastel macaron with Eiffel tower and small charms ( RM15 ) This keychain is a perfect gift for anyone who loves macaron and the Eiffel tower.

Handmade purple choker@lolita choker necklace with star pendants. Adjustable chain for any size. ( RM10 ) By now you've probably seen it on Insta, yea, the '90s choker is back! 

I was a little worried about the fit since I'm unsure about the exact size of my neck but it fits perfectly. The choker is super comfortable and vv sweet looking. It doesn't irritate my skin at all. 

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Being an only child ...

If you're an only child, all the attention of your parents is focused towards you. You are the center of their lives. Being an only child has its perks too. I didn't have to worry about favoritism and I had plenty of privacy and independence. My mom was vv anti-social and rarely allowed me go to someone else's house so I learned how to entertain myself. I never even had any interactions with my cousins, so all in all, I grew up alone. I got really tired of the ''千金, you must be so spoiled...etc'' comment. I wasn't spoiled! We were not wealthy and NOOOO, I didn't get whatever I wanted whenever I wanted it, but I did get a lot of attention and that was pretty nice.

I never knew what would be good or bad about having siblings until my dad got cancer and I needed to get some health advice/finance assistance. At first I thought how much easier it would be if there were someone close by to help out. My notions about this were quickly disabused by social workers, who told me it was actually a good thing I didn't have to deal with siblings. Apparently it can actually make a tough situation even worse. There can be a lot of arguing when there's more than one person involved in the decision making.

I prefer to travel solo and always get the surprised reaction when I tell people that I'm going alone. → I guess maybe only child are more comfortable being alone since we are more used to it. I like to have my own way and not have to confer with other ppl when deciding what to do. Honestly, it isn't bad being an only child, at least I have learned how to deal with being alone most of the time, and I'm quite used to it. =)

Saturday 23 April 2016

How to be a good girlfriend?

Being a good girlfriend can be tricky, especially at the beginning of a relationship. You have to be loving and supportive while maintaining your independence. If you want to know how to do it, just read on from step one below ↓


  • Take it slow. Don't push him to call you his girlfriend after a couple of dates. Don't start talking about marriage and children before you've even met his friends. The beginning is a precious time when you both feel like you're walking on air just because you're together. Eventually this phase will pass and you'll hit bumps in the road that will test your relationship and during those times you'll both look back to the memories from the beginning to remember why you're in it. So don't bring up any issues prematurely and make the beginning of your relationship stressful. Let it take its natural course. Cherish your time together, it's the only time this person will be new to you. That doesn't mean you should be an obsessive girlfriend and crave every second of his time. Relax. Be patient. Enjoy.
  • Be honest. While being honest to your guy is very important, to the point of being paramount, it is equally important that you are honest with yourself. If you overreact or make a mistake, you can acknowledge your error and apologize. If you're feeling vulnerable or upset, you can sort through your feelings and verbalize them to him in a non-accusing way. And the most important thing here is that you will open your feelings as much as possible. For example, if someone crushes you, tell him immediately for you two not to have problems as much as possible. 
  • Have a positive attitude. If everything you say around him is a criticism or an attack, he will not look forward to seeing you. However, you don't always have to agree with him just because he is your boyfriend. Tactfulness is a better strategy in mature relationships. No matter what, have a good sense of humor. Have inside jokes together. Be spontaneous. Be happy.
  • Make your desires, needs, and opinions known, even when they may conflict with his. You don't and shouldn't exist solely to please him. Besides, showing that you are your own person with your own needs, desires, and approach to life will keep him interested in getting to know and understand you as a person. Just remember to express yourself in way that doesn't attack anyone else's opinion or lifestyle in any way--you can be humble and outspoken at the same time. 
  • Let him live his life. If you feel entitled to all of his time and attention, learn how to not be an obsessive girlfriend. Don't be an "over protective girlfriend" let him go out without him feeling watched. Remember that he doesn't need you for everything and that you are separate people as well as a couple. When he needs some space, don't take it personally. But do make sure he knows that you are always there for him.
  • Give him gifts. When you're in a relationship it's fun to give each other small gifts. Boys love to get presents and giving him one shows that he means a lot to you. Don't overdo it though. You don't want him to think you're crazy.
  • Be yourself Don't lie to impress him, don't try to make him jealous, don't lead him on if you're not into everything. These things are wrong, and if you feel the need to do that then you don't know the meaning of a true relationship. Be honest and open with him. If the two of you are mature then you will handle it correctly.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

The tiredness...

Recently I've been having multiple dreams EVERY NIGHT. I have shorter, multiple dreams. Not just 2, but more like 4-5 diff dreams, all in the same night and I'm barely remembering them. My dreams are usually hectic, they are so complicated & detailed with many plot twists. *I'm not on medication* I discovered that anxious people have more vivid dreams. I think I'm definitely an anxious person. I constantly worry about everything and think of the negative in everything. I wish I could just sleep normally like most people. 

All I want is to sleep and not wake up mentally exhausted from a dream...

seafood ''feast''

You may be looking for some laid-back and affordable dining place that suitable for bunch of people. Nah if you are a seafood lover and don’t mind getting your hands dirty, Two Wheel Spa Cafe is the place to dine at with your family or a group of friend. The cafe located at the Cyber Perdana Kepayan ( opposite to the Mekar Store ). The fun about dining here is you get to eat directly from the table with your bare hands. While you might instinctively give this place a wide berth and yea...the environment looks dusky but the food is awesome and the portions is bountiful!!

↑↑↑ Meal for 3 pax @ RM 69.00 nett ↑↑↑

☛ Crab served with sambal ☚
☛ Wet butter prawn with curry leaves and bird eye chili ☚
☛ Stir fried string bean ☚
☛ Squid in soy sauce with dried chillies ☚


Be prepared to get your hands dirty as once the seafood is poured onto the table, it is encouraged to eat with hands here but boyfie asked for a spoon and fork XD 

Everything was delicious, especially the squid in soy sauce with dried chillies. sweet and succulent! It was a great night filled with joys and massive amounts of seafood. I will definitely come back and get my hands dirty for the yummylicious dishes ♥

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Le trip to Pearl of Borneo

Labuan is often referred to as the pearl of Borneo. Apparently it’s not part of either Sarawak or Sabah, but it’s the federal territory in East Malaysia. The capital for Labuan is called Victoria. When you make a trip to Labuan, make sure you don't expect too much. It's NOT the most happening of places to visit.

There are 3 ways to go to Labuan from KK :
  • by air from KK ( Malaysia Airlines)
  • by ferry from KK jetty
  • by speed boat or ferry from Menumbok

You can bring back more liquor if you taking ferry back because the custom in terminal is not as strict as at speedboat and flight. This is my 5th time to Labuan and we decided to drive to Menumbok and take a ferry to Labuan. Driving from KK to Menumbok in the morning was smooth because no traffic jam. It only took us about 2 hours to reach Menumbok ferry terminal. We arrived early around 830am and the ferry was scheduled to leave only at 1030am. The drive from ferry terminal to the KL hotel where we stayed is strategically in town and just took us 4 minutes to arrive. After checking into the hotel and rest about an hour, 5 of us went out directly according to our planned schedule. We didn't visit any historical place and tourist attractions like Bird Park or The Chimney but its okay. I don't have the urge either because our main point of coming here was to buy duty free products!! =D

Chocolate and liquor is cheaper in Labuan compared to KK. A box ( 10pack ) of Kinder Bueno @ RM 23.00, a pack ( 340g ) of Kisses chocolate @ RM 17.50, a box ( 30pcs ) of Ferrero Rocher @ RM 28.50, 5 litre Peter Vella @ RM 48.00 and 1 litre Martel @ RM 160.00 and the beer is the almost the same price with soft drink RM2.50 per can. You can find all sort of liquor brand and chocolate in some of the huge stores. All of us mostly bought our chocs at Sky Park. But then we found out the cheapest can be found in Moneygain. We spent RM108.00 with the following dishes as our dinner at Fisherman's Wharf. The location is in the middle of Labuan town. Be sure to book a table in advance as this place can be quite packed especially in weekends.

Food wasn't bad but comes in vv small portion.
After having a good night sleep, we started day 2 of our Labuan trip with a renewed dose of enthusiasm XD Breakfast is called ''the most important meal of the day'' so we took our breakfast at so called ''famous'' kopitiam → Kedai Kopi Double Three. Have to make sure the stall isn't too busy, the noodles takes a relatively long time to be ready. We waited approximately 25 minutes for our food =.=

Kon lo mee ( dry noodles ) @ RM5 per bowl. Taste was ordinary only.
Roughly about 1pm, our tummy was crawling for hunger. We rounded the town and ended up having KFC at the Financial Park, the one & only shopping complex at Labuan. After meal, we walked around at the Mall. The financial park has 2 big liquor/chocolate shop. The one at the entrance ( Sky Park ) has more but most of their chocs are almost close to expiry so you'd gotta be careful when buying. The shop in the complex ( Moneygain ) has lil variety of chocs to buy but has a later expiry. Don't expect much out of this complex as there are hardly anything there.

That's what I have bought =D except the Godiva =P
Only some of the choc are mine XD some exclusively bought for mom, boyfie and workmate.
So here is the end of my Labuan Trip. These are what I concluded in my visit ↓ 
  1. Only one shopping complex here, which is Financial Park shopping complex. 
  2. Hotels are everywhere in the town.
  3. Rarely see stray cats/dogs.
  4. Many shops are closed down at 7pm+ There isn't any ''night life'' in Labuan unless you're a party goer XD 
  5. Shopping is limited unless you want duty free drink or tobacco. Of course there are plenty shops for everything but you have to live here longer to find them. XD

Friday 15 April 2016



↓ 点击 ↓

我个人推荐保湿兼锁水的Clinique moisture surge overnight mask。它可是Clinique的皇牌No.1产品呢! Clinique保湿睡眠面膜挤出来是淡粉色的,不含油分而且能深层滋润干燥肌肤。


↓ 点击 ↓

我个人喜欢Michael Kors这个品牌,,因为他的皮件质感都非常棒。虽然Michael Kors的设计一向被人说抄袭各大品牌包包,在时尚圈可谓饱受诟病。可是依然不影响它受欢迎程度。因为MK走的是中产平价路线。MK包包大多款都是纯皮,款式也很简洁,基本都是纯色款。

Thursday 14 April 2016

miserable day!

Woke up this morning with a slight sore throat, I did my morning routine which include brushing my teeth and rinsing with warm salt water ( a tablespoon of salt with warm water for it to dissolve ). The mild soar throat went away BUT after few hours it came back and started to progressively get worse. T^T Being sick really makes me over emotional. I hateeeee whenever I have a sore throat. It's vv annoying and irritating because I'm constantly having to drink something to make it feel better. And whenever I swallow, it hurts!!!! Fxckkkkkk I think I'm catching a cold soon!!! because I have the symptoms such as runny nose, headache, body aches, fever and mild tiredness. Boyfie was trying to persuade me to see doc >.< Alright alright! time to get some proper treatment!

Monday 11 April 2016

I write what I feel

I try to be as generous to people around me, and I've found out that most of them are taking my generosity for granted. Just because I'm nice doesn't mean I'm weak! Well ... I have a friend and ... he is a stingy person. I have known him for many years. ( stingy people take a while to figure out =P ) We also have few mutual friend who is equally close to both of us. I can deal with his negative side because we are not perfect human beings. But ... sometimes I couldn't agree with his stingy way. He always expects me to drive even though he has a car. I have no problem with him wanting to save fuel but he often refuses to spend money on food and activities. Whenever we all went out and agreed to split the bill, he just stood there and waited for us to pay. He will takes ALL the samples from stores when people are giving them out free and when we were on a trip, he probably took every amenity in the room =.= Ohh please don't make your selfishness looks like a merit! Therefore, we not frequently call him out since it is so embarrassing >_< ( buying one single drink for whole night out and innumerable glasses of free water, do not like to go to places where there is a cover charge ... etc ) Well ... If you are going out to have fun, then have fun and spend some money. Otherwise, stay home. He always complains he has no money and whines about something being too pricey when I know he actually CAN afford it. I understand there's a fine line between being responsible with own money, but he's clearly crossed the line. I mean, I don't even have as much money as him, but I always manage it so that I have money to spend when hang out with friends.

Friday 8 April 2016

Courageous Caitie

'' Courageous Caitie ''. That was what she was called because that was what she truly was. Caitlin Soleil Lucas had been an inspiration to a lot of people including myself =,] 

Caitie is a brave 3yo+ girl who’s been battling with rare blood cancer called juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia. The doctors in the Philippines ( where she and her parents, JayJay Lucas, a photographer, and his wife Feliz Diestro, a fashion and engagement stylist, are from) were unable to figure out what it was. There is nothing worse than not knowing what is goin on in your child’s sick body =,( Caitie spent more than 50 days in hospitals, consulted with 33 doctors, and flew with her parents to Singapore, the country where she was finally diagnosed with it.

Mother of 3-year-old “Courageous Caitie” pens heartbreaking reflection on daughter’s last hours of life 

The moment Caitie’s oxygen level was just dropping to 17…to 3…to 1, I knew it was time. I still held on for a miracle that her oxygen level would rise up, she’ll be stable and everything in her body would reboot. But it never happened.

That morning, she was still having a hard time breathing and we decided to intubate her. I feared i might face death because past history, the doctors didn’t want to sedate her bec her stats might drop. But her oxygen level was at 8 and her she only had 50/100 from a 100/100.

It was so hard for her to breathe through her mouth and I explained to her that we needed to intubate her. I showed her and explained to her what it was like. She said no but I explained we had to to help her. She nodded yes. I told her that while she was sleeping, I told her to just look for Jesus. To call to Him and tell Jesus that she needs Him to help her with her lungs. I told her that it might be difficult to open her eyes afterwards but she could hear me. If she did, I needed her to press on my hand. We practiced it. She raised her brows and pressed on my hand every time I asked questions. Then I told her Caitie I love you so much but I can I hear you say it to me. She followed “mom, I love you” with much difficulty. And for one last time, I told her dad to have a family photo. I asked Caitie to try her best to open and eyes and smile really quick. And so she did. Prior to this procedure, it would really be difficult to make her eyes open and make her smile, but this last pic was a treat.

After hearing the doctor tell me “Feliz this is not looking good” It was honestly easy to say, ” it’s ok. You can let go.” To the doctors because I knew what it would be like if the organs didn’t receive enough oxygen and we started at 8am and it’s already 11am. We talked and agreed not to do CPR if she flat lined. Her heart was good but her lungs failed her. The lungs got too hard to pump air. Even with a ventilator, ventolin, meds, it would respond half way to 30s but drop to 3 again. If a machine or hand held couldn’t do it, I think it was time.

We talked to Caitie and told her “I’m so proud of you. Mommy is so proud of you. I love you but Jesus loves you more. Of everyone in this room, Jesus is the one who mostly wants you healed. More than mommy. it’s ok, you can run to Jesus and stay with Him” “it’s ok, I love you so much and we will see each other soon. Prepare things and enjoy heaven. Laugh, jump, play, sing and dance. It’s ok. Just run to Jesus and stay with Him”

I asked the doctors if I could carry her. I wanted her to slowly go in my arms. And so they did. I went up the bed and embraced her. She gasped on reflex twice and that was it. I layed her down so they can check her heart rate. It was zero at 11:46am of March 31, 2016.

I didn’t scream not bawl. I cried. Then Jayjay took his turn and carried her in his arms. We took out all the wires, cleansed her and waited for her to be picked up. Jayjay held on to her lifeless body for around 30 minutes. When he brought her back to the bed, reality struck in. No more wires but she was lifeless. Her chest was still warm and I kept my hand there. It was the last to get cold. And then I started to bawl and scream. And I realized that I was in so much pain. Dying was easy. Moving on was more difficult.

I tried to keep my composure because I knew I could but then I ended up loosing it. I cried so much because the pain was just unbearable. I asked exactly again how things happened. I needed reality to hit me hard and not wish it was a dream. I didn’t want to soak myself in pain. I wanted to move on.

I would tell people that I want to move on, because I know she’s not in pain. I’m happy for her but I just simply miss her terribly. How do I let go of the pain that’s unecessary. It was just self torture. I couldn’t process things correctly.
I broke down while waiting at the undertakers place. Unlike in Manila that you view the embalming, here it was private. When I went it to check on her body. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Not because she was dead but because I got so shocked on her real size without the water retention. Cancer ate up her body. Plus I didn’t like how they fixed her body and face.

We went back to the condo so I could choose what I wanted to keep and what I wanted to let go. It was so tough. Everything she did in Singapore was more than a boxful but I had to choose. Till the very end, the last thing she wrote was her name CAITLIN. I call her Caitie but do you know that she like to be called Caitlin instead of Caitie? She said because it was her name.

When we left the condo to head to Sing Ming. I couldn’t believe my eyes. The place was flooded with people. Only 3% of them I knew… These were strangers. All crying. I was so encouraged that my daughter’s pain was not in vain. These people’s lives have changed on way or another. I don’t know how but that fact they are here and crying… even the men, I knew something stirred in their hearts. the people made a bare room so beautiful. The room filled with people singing, crying and people praying, painting and writing, it was so beautiful. The message of the pastor was just so beautiful too. We all say Caitie’s lullaby Jesus loves me and Jesus loves the little children.

To be honest, I really broke down and was so melodramatic. I honestly believed I wouldn’t be and I couldn’t believe that I was screaming and bawling and was on my knees bec of the pain of being separated from her. I had a lot of questions and no one could answer. I asked how they moved on when their child died, most people would say even until now, 3 years, 5, 7,10, they still feel the pain. They couldn’t give me a concrete answer. And I felt all the more in fear because I seriously wanted to know how to move on and it seemed like I was going to be stuck with this for a long time.

When my sister came, I had a lot of questions. I knew she wouldn’t lecture me but would tell me what I needed to hear. This time, we both didn’t have answers. We always had answers but this time we didn’t. How come God revealed so much promises and stories about restoration and abundant life and healing but this didn’t look like it. Jayjay’s family came with Ethan and I felt more at rest and pre occupied with Ethan. We went home and slept.

The morning after, I woke up thinking about all the things I was thinking about the whole night we slept. I tried to feel the hands of Caitie as I held Ethan’s, her shoulders, her tummy, her legs as Ethan rolled all over me. I broke down in the comfort of our room and my sister just received all the questions I had. I broke down for a good 2 hours and so I had to move on and be ready to bring Caitie’s body back to Manila.

I would feel ok and stable then suddenly break down everytime there would be an item, a food, a memory about her. I ended up melodramatic again and just hugged her casket and talked to her.

At the airport, I had my first decent meal where I finally felt hungry after a day of just 2 spoons of food and mostly water or Coke or wintermelon juice. I broke down again because I couldn’t believe the family was eating together and she wasn’t with us anymore. That I was bringing home her body and it’s going through the cargo load and not a decent seat.

As Ethan’s energy preoccupied us, I realized I needed to make time for my son. I’ve neglected him and everything was hand me down and set aside bec I needed to attend to my daughter. So we went to the toy store and finally bought a water bottle, just for him. No longer for him and Caitie. We bought a trunki for him bec she uses Caitie’s pink hello kitty bag. He loves it but he needed his own. we bought an iron man toy bec we had fond memories of Caitie watching iron man in Singapore. Whenever we watched iron man, she would ask so many questions and say so many things non stop that I grew tired of answering them. It was my best conversation memory this year with her.

I waited for her casket to be loaded and I finally saw it. She had her own container and Men carried it up on board. The casket where Caitie was placed was exactly below our seat.

During inflight, Jayjay and I were browsing at Caitie’s videos and we got to talk. After watching, I told him, I’m ok now. We watched so many videos starting march of 2015. What I was saw beautiful and I felt ok.

I cried prior bec I’m going to miss out of what could have been but after watching the videos, I realized it was the best 3 yrs and we couldn’t have done it even better and the way things ended felt like a good finish line.

I no longer need to yearn for tomorrow with the hope of having her around. As I look back growing up, I realized the best part of it was 5 yrs old and below. Everything was fun, love and play. Then grade school and studies happened and high school, love life, college, career etc. I thought I would miss out on having her go through a debut but after watching the videos, I realized I didn’t need to go through another year or another month of Caitie.

We lived a complete, and love filled home. There were no regrets. She was secure. Secure that we loved her and secure that Jesus loves her. And being secured on your love for Jesus makes your strong in your battles.

Now I know why she was strong… Because she was secure.

For now I feel ok and it feels like I won’t need to break down anymore. But let’s see. When I close my eyes and see her, and all that has been and start to hope as to what could have been, I just remind myself that I need to be secured that I don’t need to live another day bec of Ethan or my husband or my family. I will live another day because just like what I did with my yesterday’s with Caitie that I made everyday be filled with love and the best that I could be in work, as a parent and a mom…

I need to continue to do this for my tomorrow so each day will be beautiful. that’s how you move pass the pain. You focus on what kind of beauty you can bring for today.

I realized that for me to be strong to get through life without her is to be secured that Caitie indeed loves me and that Jesus loves me. And everything happened exactly the way it should. And tomorrow will happen without Caitie because her mission is finished. That we built her up so well and she was able to finish her work faster than us:)

I’m glad we took as much photos and videos we could… Don’t believe the articles when they say you should enjoy the moment and not take photos because you can be part of the videos while you take it and enjoy it:) and it’s just so wonderful to look back to:) You get encouraged and reminded of how beautiful yesterday was so that you can hope again for tomorrow.

Caitie was laid to rest in the Philippines on 03/04/2016 ... And in the short time she spent here on earth, she was loved not just by her family, but by a lot who she's given inspiration to. Her memorial service had a wedding theme, complete with confetti and her casket was escorted by her favorite Star Wars characters → Storm Troopers.

Condolences and prayers to the Lucas family. May God and Caitie be always with them during this time of grief. 

Thursday 7 April 2016

lil treat for myself ♛

Every girl needs to treat themselves at least once in a while =D Ok so I treated myself and bought some stuff.

My first Chanel lipstick is Rouge Coco in Mademoiselle 05. The color works vv well with my skin tone. It's vv moisturizing and I didn't find that it dried my lips out at all. However I lost it ( an excuese to get a new one lol ) so I had to buy a new one! I've been into a few Chanel outlet but none of the outlet have this lip color. The promoter told me the Mademoiselle 05 is not longer available ☹ The reinvented Rouge Coco ( new formula and colour spectrum ) is more expressive than ever. After some recommendations, I chose the Marie 430. Chanel Marie (430) Rouge Coco Lipstick is described as an “ intense red pink ” It’s a brightened, medium rosy pink with soft white shimmer and a light frosted finish. It's great for everyday wear as it's sooo natural looking. Chanel can be the best makeup brand if work well on you. Makeup is something vv individual. There can hundred people giving best reviews or feedback but the best way to find it out is by yourself. Personally my good experiences with Chanel is fragrances and cosmetics.

I also bought a sculpting brow pencil which is a perfect match for my eyebrows! What makes this so good is that it's a definite natural finish. The spolie brush on the bottom of the pencil blends it perfectly. I have a tiny bit of sparseness in my eyebrows and this solves the issue. It's kinda pricey for a brow pencil but it comes with everything I need ( sharpener & brush ) and it lasts for a ridiculously longgg time. Will buy again if I ever run out =D

Oh ya I finally got my unicorn charm! ( Now I understand why so many people are crazy over adding charms to the bracelet, it's addictive! ) I was really surprised to find the one I wanted at 1 Utama Pandora store. I love unicorn because it's a legendary creature. Unicorns are mystical & magical!!! Oops back to the topic, I always search up #pandora on Instagram to look at others' Pandora and always envy those who have the unicorn charm lol. XD I simply love my bracelet! It's really great to have my memories with me wherever I go and definitely sharing my stories when people ask about my bracelet. =D Last but not least, for more details of Pandora and to see the latest collection, you can visit the official website

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Journey to the '' west ''

Swiss Garden Residences was chosen by us based on its proximity to the shopping areas on jalan Bukit Bintang. I booked the residence suite through and manage to get 15% discount. The suite comes with lots of facilities and very conveniently located in the heart of KL. ( connected via a link bridge to Swiss-Garden Hotel ). Although the location was close to everything but still tucked away from the crowds. The apartment we stayed in was on the 22nd floor and had a great city view. The room are vv spacious. It has a living quarter and a sleeping quarter. On 6th floor there was a massive pool area which also had a children's play area, gym and a restaurant. I didn't like some of the staff as they are not friendly =.= Only a few would greet n smile to the guest. 

Property is modern and looked luxury
I like the TV set, you can twirl it 360° to bed or to living room but the TV channels selections are little limited.
There are sliding door to section off the living quarter and sleeping quarter. Furnishings simple but functional.
Room with kitchenette is spacious and clean with basic kitchen amenities ( including toaster, fridge, microwave, induction cooker, coffee maker etc).
 The design is a vv unique. You have to step down to the shower and can be quite slippery when wet. There were rain shower on the top and the bottom could turn into bathtub as well.
Living room are nicely appointed with the LCD TV and iPod dock.
The room are spacious with an open concept and large bay windows on all sides
Double bed & laminate wood flooring *ignore my messy bed*
Women really do love it when men do sweet things without being asked like. I'm feeling blessed when my man offers to help me carry something heavy ♥
Got my room at 22nd floor and the view was so great.

I don't know why there are some bad reviews about Swiss Garden Residences. My experience was great. This is a good place to stay at a reasonable price. Everything is in good condition, the bed, electrical appliances ... etc. Btw the only thing I was a bit disappointed with was the Wifi! The WiFi connection in the bedroom was vv slow and always unable to connect at times. I only got connected when my devices were closer to the entrance door. It should be accessible throughout the whole room. =.=

Swiss Garden Residences Kuala Lumpur

117, Jalan Pudu, 
55100 Kuala Lumpur, 

Tel : 603 - 2785 1111

Sunday 3 April 2016

sweet temptations!

I'm always tempted to eat anything sweet
Famous Amos double chocolate chip cookies ♥
( 100g@RM8.50 )
Chocolate truffle. Pick randomly at 7-11 ♥
( RM0.80/each )
Uncle Tetsu's cheesecake!!!! vv light and fluffy Japanese cheesecake
( RM21/each )
Chocolate ganache from Lavender Confectionery and Bakery ♥
( RM21/box )
 highly recommend 

Saturday 2 April 2016

crab clap!

One of Seremban's signature dishes is baked crab ( 烧蟹 ). There are a few restaurants selling baked crab and the Seremban Seafood Village ( 芙蓉烧蟹海鲜 ) is one of them. Me & boyfie kept turning around the town, searching for the restaurant and finally reached the destination. We ordered some other dishes along with the infamous baked crab. ( Every table will definitely have this crab on it )

Seremban Seafood Village
We reached here around 7pm+ and only half of the tables are occupied.
The signature baked crabs. The uniqueness about the crabs is the special sauce is sticking onto on the shell. ( min order of 2x crabs at RM 75/kg. )
The crab meat was succulent and juicy , don't usually enjoy eating crab but this is quite good.
The dipping sauce not too spicy and goes well with the baked crab.
Free snacks! Crunchy popiah
It's *tasteless* Hokkien mee but using udon. ( RM 10 / portion for 2 ) 
The prawns must have been frozen too long and not too fresh. Slightly different from the ones that I usually have ( RM 30 )

The bill came at a total RM 125+ inclusive of a pot of 菊普 ( chrysanthemum + puer tea )
Personal opinion after taste it : Nothing special but not too bad ( below my expectation XD )

Seremban Seafood Village ( 芙蓉燒蟹海鮮村 )

3720-3724, Jalan Tuanku Munawir,
70200 Seremban,
Negeri Sembilan.

Tel : 06 - 764 1260

Operating hours: 11am - 1am