Tuesday 26 April 2016

Being an only child ...

If you're an only child, all the attention of your parents is focused towards you. You are the center of their lives. Being an only child has its perks too. I didn't have to worry about favoritism and I had plenty of privacy and independence. My mom was vv anti-social and rarely allowed me go to someone else's house so I learned how to entertain myself. I never even had any interactions with my cousins, so all in all, I grew up alone. I got really tired of the ''千金, you must be so spoiled...etc'' comment. I wasn't spoiled! We were not wealthy and NOOOO, I didn't get whatever I wanted whenever I wanted it, but I did get a lot of attention and that was pretty nice.

I never knew what would be good or bad about having siblings until my dad got cancer and I needed to get some health advice/finance assistance. At first I thought how much easier it would be if there were someone close by to help out. My notions about this were quickly disabused by social workers, who told me it was actually a good thing I didn't have to deal with siblings. Apparently it can actually make a tough situation even worse. There can be a lot of arguing when there's more than one person involved in the decision making.

I prefer to travel solo and always get the surprised reaction when I tell people that I'm going alone. → http://minzimandy915.blogspot.my/2015/07/solo-backpacker.html I guess maybe only child are more comfortable being alone since we are more used to it. I like to have my own way and not have to confer with other ppl when deciding what to do. Honestly, it isn't bad being an only child, at least I have learned how to deal with being alone most of the time, and I'm quite used to it. =)

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