Thursday 14 April 2016

miserable day!

Woke up this morning with a slight sore throat, I did my morning routine which include brushing my teeth and rinsing with warm salt water ( a tablespoon of salt with warm water for it to dissolve ). The mild soar throat went away BUT after few hours it came back and started to progressively get worse. T^T Being sick really makes me over emotional. I hateeeee whenever I have a sore throat. It's vv annoying and irritating because I'm constantly having to drink something to make it feel better. And whenever I swallow, it hurts!!!! Fxckkkkkk I think I'm catching a cold soon!!! because I have the symptoms such as runny nose, headache, body aches, fever and mild tiredness. Boyfie was trying to persuade me to see doc >.< Alright alright! time to get some proper treatment!

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