Wednesday 29 June 2016

"Love and Marriage"

A few days ago my best and oldest friends got married. It was a day filled with joy and love ♥ Here are the few things you’ll learn when your best friend gets married, especially if you’re one of the bridesmaids like me. =P

You’ll be almost as worked up about everything going well as the bride herself. You’ll worrying about everything, to excitement, to happiness, and there’ll even be some tears too. It’s all so overwhelming and emotional feelings you’ll go thru on the day is huge. The time before the actual wedding ceremony, you’ll be rushing around making sure every lil thing is going according to plan. After the actual ceremony part is over and you’ll feel a sudden sense of exhaustion. But most of all you’ll feel this incredible sense of joy, pride and love for your friend as she embarks on this new chapter of her life. It’s not everyday that you watch a friend you’ve known since you were 5 years old get married and start a new life. Yes, the emotion may get to you, but you’ll want to relive each moment with her as you’re just so proud! Plus, playing such an important part in your best friend’s wedding will create special memories for the both of you. ♥

Shui Khen & Edwina

The day we’ve been dreaming about is finally here. Today is the first day of your new life with him. I am honored to serve as your bridesmaid today. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness and love. I hope he fulfills all his vows and I hope he promises more as time goes by and I want you to know that no matter what, I’ll always be there for you. I wish you a lifetime of laughs, an eternity of love, and an abundance of joy and happiness. May the glow of love and happiness from your marriage day be with you for the rest of your lives. Amen.


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