Thursday 2 June 2016

RELATIONSHIP takes effort

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Every relationship gets boring and it will get boring after you've been together for years. It's always fun in the beginning. It's always exciting when you're getting to know each other. It's always thrilling to chase one another. Eventually, it gets hard. Eventually, it becomes difficult. Eventually, it drains you. That's when people tend to quit and go look for someone else because "the spark is gone" and they want to feel wanted and admired and loved again. But listen, that's not how it's supposed to be. No, that's not how it works. It doesn't have to be that way. Even when it does get boring, that's when you're supposed to remember why you're with that person in the first place and it's never too late to find that happiness that you both once found together because the truth is, it's always been there and it never left. Even when it feels like feelings are fading, that's when you're supposed to know how much this person means to you and what losing them would be like because being able to love someone even when they're being hard to love shows that your feelings never left. Even when it feels like you're done, that's when you're supposed to realize that no matter who you're with, it's always going to get "boring" so you might as well be with someone who's willing to love you unconditionally and never give up on you. - Teddy Nguyen

Indeed, relationship is all about ↑ ups and ↓ downs and it's a matter of choice. Whenever I feel like "the spark is gone", I will do everything to keep the ''fire burning''. Undeniable I will get bored sometimes but there are other things to consider before the love fades. Everyone will eventually get bored at the end if they stop making the effort. It's ALL ABOUT EFFORT! think about it! Not putting enough effort can kill a relationship. E.g : calling you to see how you're doing, trying to work thru problems and communicate clearly instead of just giving up/running away, bringing you food after a long day at work, planning dates and outings, occasionally doing things without being specifically asked...etc. Remember, effort is a HUGE part in making a relationship work. 

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