Monday 6 June 2016

the glorious sunset

#Non edited photos ( taken by iphone 6 )
#View from sunset bar ( Sutera Harbour )
#05/06/2016, 18:42pm

'' Sunsets, like childhood, are viewed with wonder not just because they are beautiful but because they are fleeting. '' - Richard Paul Evans

I miss my childhood memories =,) As you know, when we getting elder we always miss our old days. Btw I like sunset but that is because I rarely see a sunrise lol. I love to watch the clouds with the vivid red sky like dancing flames on the horizon. Idk why but there is just something magical about watching the sunset. Sunset view is one of the stunning view of the day and generally considered as grieved moment of the day by most people ( including me ) as it symbolizes the passing of another day in life. Beautiful sunset can be viewed along the long stretch of beach and hill at diff locations around KK and I'm so blessed to have the opportunity to enjoy breathtaking sunsets almost every day of the year. Watching sunset with a refreshing drink in hand is truly a relaxing way to end a chaotic day =)

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