Saturday 4 June 2016

Maverick turning 3

Boyfie and I recently attended my friend's son's Mickey Mouse themed birthday at May Flower restaurant. ( Heavy rains hit KK today but luckily didn't lead to flood ). There were many people present on the occasion. I did not know most of them but I guess they would be mostly her relatives. =P Oh 宝贝you’re growing up so quickly. You’re already 3 years old today! Happy Birthday xoxo =3

I wrapped the adorable(LOL) pressie. Oh ya not forgotten to add some decorations to make it looks interesting. All the decos, banner, door gift for kids was created, printed and packed by my friend. She is so talented on creating all these! In addition she's so good at baking and loves to share with other people too. 

Real happiness reflects not thru face, but eyes. This photo truly express the happiness ♥ I feel their emotions and happiness. Wish her life filled with endless happiness and endless love ♥

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