Friday 31 July 2015

Yay or Nay?

I’d always thought black nail polish was only for goths, but against my short and plain oversize shirt, my manicure looked awesome! Teehee =)

Monday 27 July 2015




手牵手 一步两步三步四步 望着天
看星星 一颗两颗三颗四颗 连成线


就是开不了口 让她知道
我一定会呵护着你 也逗你笑
我后悔没 让你知道
看你睡着 一直到老

你要我说多难堪 我根本不想分开
我没有这种天份 包容你也接受他
不用担心的太多 我会一直好好过

谁在用琵琶弹奏 一曲东风破
岁月在墙上剥落 看见小时候
而如今琴声幽幽 我的等候你没听过


追不到的梦想 换个梦不就得了



你发如雪 纷飞了眼泪
红尘醉 微醺的岁月
我用无悔 刻永世爱你的碑

还能不能 重新编织

转身离开 分手说不出来


天青色等烟雨 而我在等你
炊烟袅袅升起 隔江千万里


Sunday 26 July 2015

View Of Dreams

We all have our dream destinations, the places that are must be visited in our life. These are my dream places, the places that attract me very much. =)

Santorini, Greece
( The island of blue roofs & white wash houses )

Scotland, UK
( The land of mountains, lochs and legends. )

Saturday 25 July 2015

Life Lesson

I've learned that I cannot make someone love me, all I can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them. I shouldn't compare myself to the best others can do, but to the best I can do. I actually able to keep going long after I think I can't. The word "love" can have many different meaning, it loses value when overly used...

I've learned that no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt me every once in a while and I must forgive them for that. Even when I think I have no more to give, when a friend cries out to me, I will find the strength to help. My life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don't even know me.

It's tough to determine where to draw the line between being nice & not hurting people's feelings & standing up for what I believe.. :(  

Friday 24 July 2015


Pandora! Love it? Not sure what it is? Pandora is the brand name of a jewelry line dat may be made with interchangeable parts. Bracelets in the line are also designed to hv interchangeable beads or charms dat can be added or removed easily to create a bracelet dat fits different styles, colors, occasions or attire. =)


( simply pick your bracelet, and then your size to get started. The bracelet will appear above the selection of charms & beads. You can change the beads in the window by clicking on any of the categories to the left. Then just click & drag your bead, charm or accessory and place it on the bracelet. Soon, you’ll have a truly unique piece of jewelry to call your own! )

* My birthday's coming up and I was thinking of buying it xD

Thursday 23 July 2015



<< 梦醒时分 >>



priority [x] option

“Never allow someone to be your priority
while allowing yourself to be their option.”
~ Mark Twain ~

That’s absolutely right!!  I was the least important! the last one! the taken for granted! the short changed! the unappreciated and an afterthought!! Do you know who was to blame? Me!!! Seriously, I allowed those people to take me for granted. I became the welcome mat. I worked my butt off without recognition or appreciation for my sacrifices, efforts and kindnesses.It was wrong!! So very veryyy wrong of them to treat me that way and so very veryyy wrong of me to allow them to reject me.Yes, it is rejection and selfishness. Promises are made, promises are broken and my broken heart was not considered to be that big a deal. I was told to “get over it.” #sadcase =(

Wednesday 22 July 2015



Monday 20 July 2015

Rest In Paradise 2010 - 2015

how can I heal the pain? and how can I get over this phase with less sadness... 
My lil furry died 4 days ago. she was a light brown small poodle and I loved her so so so much. she was my best friend. I did everything together with her. I ate next to her, played with her, walked with her. Whenever I was sad she would curl up next to me and make me feel better. I only had her for 4 years plus and she was the best. I tried getting over this but I feel like a chunk of my heart has been ripped out. Somehow I feel like it's my fault... and the thought of it makes me cry even more. I miss her so much. I ate my feelings away non stop and I didn't want to talk to anyone. I locked myself in room crying and crying... I'm not crazy or ashamed of me being so sad..and I feel like I can't go on with my life because a huge chunk of me is missing...

Wednesday 15 July 2015












My Life Tattoos

I get a lot of ques in regards to my tattoos & a couple of the ques are asked the most:

"Do u run into negativity having so many visible tattoos???"
"I'm thinking of getting my wrist/arm or other visible spot tattooed, any advice???"

So let me start by saying this: If u decide to get a tattoo in a visible place, people will look, and people will judge! Yes!! times have changed, but as far as I'm concerned, being tattooed is still not 100% acceptable in mainstream society. One day maybe... but today... unfortunately...NO!

You don't like the way I look? Oh well. My tattoos have taught me more about myself, and more about others, than I would have ever imagined. And like anything, there are two sides of the coin. Just be sure you examine both sides before you really make the commitment! 

Monday 13 July 2015

Solo Backpacker

People will ask:  Are you crazy? Do you really need to go alone? Can’t you take someone with you? Won’t it be just as awesome? I’ve had this conversation uncountable times. Well...Yes. I’ve travelled with friends and it was a lot of fun. But when you have someone with you, it’s just not the same. To me, solo travel is a personal experience and a chance to learn about myself  who am I and what I want from life. It allows me to see how diff the world is and to put my life in perspective

There are no limitations when I’m alone. I can go north or south, by walk or by train. There are no rules, no one hour lunch breaks. There’s no one else to worry about and no one checking up on me. I can eat whatever I want and sleep wherever I want. :D Travelling alone has probably been the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. I feel like a completely diff person than I was. I believe in myself now. I can depend on myself and I’m not afraid to chase my dreams and try and build the life I want. If something seems hard or awkward, I’ll do it anyway. Failure excites me! I want to learn and grow. Now I'm able to simply sit in silence and just enjoy the company of myself. =)

For that reason, I always encourage ppl to travel alone at least once in their life. An adventure with no limitations, no excuses and no compromises. It might be the scariest thing you’ve ever done, but if you do it, I can promise you three things:
1. It’ll be one trip you’ll never forget.
2. You’ll return home a completely different person than you were before, and people will notice it.
3. You’ll want to do it again.

Sunday 12 July 2015

True Lies...

hurt me with the truth, don't comfort me with the lies...
When I close my eyes I think of you
And the times we've had been through
Even though were far apart right now
I remember back when you were here with me
How you've make my world complete
But now I'm left alone
We talked about love and hope
Wishing we could start a life our own
I wish that I could live without you
Why did you tear my heart apart
You said you love me from the start
All those painful things you've put me through
But I'm still loving you
I tried to give my best to you
I don't deserve the things you do
Everything has gone to memories
I just wish I know the truth behind the lies

Thursday 9 July 2015





Throwback 05/03/2015

For ur sake, I won't say ur name. I know it well…and I cannot get it out of my head. But to u, who took away my relationship, who selfishly thought of only ur own happiness, thank you biatch !!! My ‘boyfriend’ cheated on me with u. *clap hands*

You would think I would hate u, because u did what girl fear most!! but I don't hate u. U have done me an incredibleeeee service dat I did not have the courage to do myself!

Thank you for setting me free.
Thank you for saving me a future full of pain and lies.
Thank you for showing ‘his’ true colors through ur joint actions.
Thank you for reminding me that I am worth so much more than lies & deception.
Thank you for giving me a chance to hv another date, another chance at a pure and Christ-filled relationship.

Without bad, we cannot understand good, and without ur interference, I would not have lost my breath, but because of u!!! I hv learned to breathe again!!
Thank you.

Most sincerely,

Thursday 2 July 2015


连夜色都已逝 甚至星不壮丽
才学懂保留你的爱 于心底
当今天躯体 失去抚慰
当飘忽足迹 任由冲冼
怀念总多美丽 是你的都美丽
方知道眉头在沉思 都因你压低
明明动情 想爱没有情
当那天怀抱你时 没决心承认
明明事成 想爱没有情
当你走留低心跳声 永恒动听
当今天孤单 不折不扣
连面孔都变着 但记忆偏退后
方知道流落在人间 伤心已太久
明明动情 想爱没有情
当那天怀抱你时 没决心承认
明明事成 想爱没有情
当你走留低心跳声 永恒动听

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Every end is a new beginning...

I know this doesn’t seem formal cause it isn’t. Feel like talking to you but I can’t so I’m writing down to u instead. I’m sorry dat I teased u, and I’m very sorry dat I hurt your feelings…and I will put ur feelings in consideration the next time I ever think of teasing u, or just not tease "ever" again!!! Once again I do apologize for what has happened, and I will refrain from doing any actions dat will cause ur feelings do be hurt…..Haixx…my past has destroyed me. As u know, I was in a relationship with a guy for 4 years plus. I really adored him but we fought a lot. I was always afraid he would leave me for someone as he had a lot of friends . He call me crazy and paranoid so I gave him space to prove I trusted him, but then…he betrayed me. I feel like those years were a waste of my time & the memories are tainted.. I can’t even look at the pictures. I’ve been consumed with anger, hurt & anxiety dat everywhere I go dat I will bump into them.

I have been in 2 刻苦铭心relationships which all ended the exact same way. The last break-up really left me broken-hearted. I put a lot into dat relationship to only get hurt & disappointed once again..It has been months and the hurt is still apparent. I feel like I will never be able to love again or trust frown emoticon I may have hurt some people dat came across my life but I never ever mean to do it intentionally, I really just have a lack of trust.. I am not one to point the finger of blame so I will take some responsibility for the break up. But still the hurt is unbearable at certain instances. I keep questioning myself why can’t I find a good person, someone willing & able to settle down, someone who knows how to treat a woman & knows dat a relationship is not just all good and sex.. there is sacrifice & faithfulness, honesty & trust among other inevitability. Sigh*

Anyways, better go into the body of letter. I can feel someone starting to yawn by the time u read up to here. I wanna say I’m very touched with the words/sentences dat u wrote to me. Everyday I get to know a lil bit about u. I had wondered before at what or how my life would be like if I had not known u but it doesn’t matter anymore cause none of dat is important now…what’s important is u…not the past u but the present and future u. I wanna be there to share whatever happens to u from now onwards no matter if it’s happy or sad. Be your cheerleader :) be your pillow when u need sumthing to hug on at night. Even thought u’re not beside me now, but I could feel your presences, every day when I wake up & before I go to sleep, I would read back our conversation. It reminds me dat our love is real and not just a fling. Well…Every couple is diff, situation is diff, reason is diff. I just want u to believe dat my love for u is real. U might think this is lame, but since u’ve come into my life…It has changed for the better and I could see the direction for my future…the sunlight at the end of tunnel…I'm sorry for not being able to say this verbally, I can't say good things like this verbally, I'm not really good with talking and I always stutter xD and do not think of what I should say. Don’t worry dat I’ll ever leave u, I promise I won’t leave not just cause I don’t wanna break my promise but I truly mean it. xoxo