Thursday 23 July 2015

priority [x] option

“Never allow someone to be your priority
while allowing yourself to be their option.”
~ Mark Twain ~

That’s absolutely right!!  I was the least important! the last one! the taken for granted! the short changed! the unappreciated and an afterthought!! Do you know who was to blame? Me!!! Seriously, I allowed those people to take me for granted. I became the welcome mat. I worked my butt off without recognition or appreciation for my sacrifices, efforts and kindnesses.It was wrong!! So very veryyy wrong of them to treat me that way and so very veryyy wrong of me to allow them to reject me.Yes, it is rejection and selfishness. Promises are made, promises are broken and my broken heart was not considered to be that big a deal. I was told to “get over it.” #sadcase =(

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