Thursday 9 July 2015

Throwback 05/03/2015

For ur sake, I won't say ur name. I know it well…and I cannot get it out of my head. But to u, who took away my relationship, who selfishly thought of only ur own happiness, thank you biatch !!! My ‘boyfriend’ cheated on me with u. *clap hands*

You would think I would hate u, because u did what girl fear most!! but I don't hate u. U have done me an incredibleeeee service dat I did not have the courage to do myself!

Thank you for setting me free.
Thank you for saving me a future full of pain and lies.
Thank you for showing ‘his’ true colors through ur joint actions.
Thank you for reminding me that I am worth so much more than lies & deception.
Thank you for giving me a chance to hv another date, another chance at a pure and Christ-filled relationship.

Without bad, we cannot understand good, and without ur interference, I would not have lost my breath, but because of u!!! I hv learned to breathe again!!
Thank you.

Most sincerely,

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