Monday 13 July 2015

Solo Backpacker

People will ask:  Are you crazy? Do you really need to go alone? Can’t you take someone with you? Won’t it be just as awesome? I’ve had this conversation uncountable times. Well...Yes. I’ve travelled with friends and it was a lot of fun. But when you have someone with you, it’s just not the same. To me, solo travel is a personal experience and a chance to learn about myself  who am I and what I want from life. It allows me to see how diff the world is and to put my life in perspective

There are no limitations when I’m alone. I can go north or south, by walk or by train. There are no rules, no one hour lunch breaks. There’s no one else to worry about and no one checking up on me. I can eat whatever I want and sleep wherever I want. :D Travelling alone has probably been the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. I feel like a completely diff person than I was. I believe in myself now. I can depend on myself and I’m not afraid to chase my dreams and try and build the life I want. If something seems hard or awkward, I’ll do it anyway. Failure excites me! I want to learn and grow. Now I'm able to simply sit in silence and just enjoy the company of myself. =)

For that reason, I always encourage ppl to travel alone at least once in their life. An adventure with no limitations, no excuses and no compromises. It might be the scariest thing you’ve ever done, but if you do it, I can promise you three things:
1. It’ll be one trip you’ll never forget.
2. You’ll return home a completely different person than you were before, and people will notice it.
3. You’ll want to do it again.

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