Monday 20 July 2015

Rest In Paradise 2010 - 2015

how can I heal the pain? and how can I get over this phase with less sadness... 
My lil furry died 4 days ago. she was a light brown small poodle and I loved her so so so much. she was my best friend. I did everything together with her. I ate next to her, played with her, walked with her. Whenever I was sad she would curl up next to me and make me feel better. I only had her for 4 years plus and she was the best. I tried getting over this but I feel like a chunk of my heart has been ripped out. Somehow I feel like it's my fault... and the thought of it makes me cry even more. I miss her so much. I ate my feelings away non stop and I didn't want to talk to anyone. I locked myself in room crying and crying... I'm not crazy or ashamed of me being so sad..and I feel like I can't go on with my life because a huge chunk of me is missing...

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