Tuesday 22 September 2015

Attention haters!

Below are some good reasons YOU need to stop paying more attention to my love life than ur own!

Unless u can read our minds, then you have no idea what is actually going on in my relationship. Ever heard the saying don’t judge a book by it’s cover?????? Nah! don’t judge my boyfriend (or relationship ) unless you really know every side to every story. I might complain to my friends when me and my bf fight, but it’s normal for a girl to rant more about that than to gush about when her guy is being wonderful. Even I admit dat my versions of the story can be a lil one-sided when I’m annoyed. If my boyfriend makes me happy ( and he does ), and you’re my friend, then why would you want to change that??? WHY???? Just because you might not like him doesn’t mean he’s not a good guy. Listen! if you’re my real friend, you’ll just be happy that I’m happy. So don’t be a hypocrite! Your friends might have hated your last gf/by, but did that stop you from liking her/him? Probably not kan? Every couple fights, and every couple has problems. Me and my boyfriend’s issues might seem totally weird to you, but it’s something we need to work out on our own without your input!

Like I said before, there are certain times dat u do need to butt into your friend’s relationship. If you have proof that her guy is treating her really badly, abusing her in some way, or cheating on her, then you should absolutely speak up. But if u just don’t agree with her relationship choice, or you just don’t like her boyfriend, than there’s no need for you to get involved.

So please, for the sake of our friendship, stop butting into my relationship! 

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