Thursday 10 September 2015

My life has changed for the better...

I spent years with a person that not only broke my heart, but also broke my essence. It amazed me that I entered the relationship thinking I was complete, yet once I left, I saw myself broken. This is the story about a girl who fell madly in love, yet lost her identity. Maybe karma caught up with me..tbh, I was dating with someone else when ''we'' first met. Yet after few years, the relationship began to sour... We’d have the typical arguments...some lil things like not cleaning the house/replying texts/answering calls. The arguments became more frequent and intense. I was no longer the happy-go-lucky girl that went out with bunch of friends. I was supposed to be figuring what I wanted in life, but instead I was trying to figure out how to keep a person in my life. I was dependent on someone’s love!!! 

Our strained relationship finally came to an end..I still remember the day I left, I drove away from the house and cried so badly and blamed myself for what happened. At the same time I really couldn’t figure out where things went wrong? For the first time in my life, I felt like a FAILURE! Afta breakup, I realized that I wasted so much time worrying about one person’s feelings & happiness. I had to find out who I really was. I took a step back and accept the fact that we weren’t meant to be. The experience taught me to think more rationally when it comes to matters of the heart. And now I can proudly say I love the person I am today, because I have evolved into a better person. Breaking up with someone may be hard, but it may also be a push in the right direction. =)

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