Monday 14 March 2016

Amy & Ken's wedding dinner

recently attended a friend's wedding at Grand Port View
Weddings dinners are wonderful celebrations. I love attending wedding dinners. =D As a guest I'm honoured to be invited to be part of witnessing the fairy tale night where the couple look so loving. I started thinking about all of the weddings I’ve attended and made a list. In the past 10 years, I’ve been to 10 weddings! I have been to a couple of weddings for distant relatives that I am not close to. I don't enjoy those because I am not close to the people getting married XD. Well, my fav things about weddings are the decos and the food. The worst part of a wedding would be the awkwardness of what do I wear and seeing people you barley remember lol.

the only picture I snapped. My friend with her husband and they got married after 10 years together

It's not easy to make long-term relationships work and I'm glad they made it. Today is going to be a day that they shall never forget. Enjoy the bliss of becoming one ya dear. May marriage brings the great joy, love and passion in your both life. ❣

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