Tuesday 22 March 2016

Return to the gym workout!

Well, my aim is to lose fat and gain muscles. There are plenty fitness center in KK depending on budget and location and I chose Venetian gym and sauna. The gym center location was great and the facility was adequate.

I used to workout at Justin Sompong's Gym, but after trying this place out, I love this place so much. This is really a great place to go work out. Really nice atmosphere. And get me doing really good efficient training =D I know cardio exercise is actually a very inefficient way to burn calories and lose weight but I really hate running. My treadmill sessions were really tough and left me feeling much more drained than a similar distance running. I'm way more like to be trained in cycling than running on treadmill. According to Harvard, a 125-pound person can burn an average of 210 calories in 30 minutes of stationary cycling, but these are just basic averages, and there are a lot of other important variables to consider. My shirt hardly got wet at all no matter how hard the workout bcz I hardly ever sweat. Haixx ... I have to drink heaps of water although I don't like the taste of water, bland and tasteless!! I drink it only when I'm vvv thirsty and I only drink half glass of water. 

Nah! I just did 15 minutes on stationary bike and I was shocked at the number of calories it says I burned here on. ( 150 calories in 15mins ) I workout at least two times a week, the next day after workout my body is sore and feel tired and making it harder for me to get up =X The aching of my pelvic and abdominal area is suck!! but it may actually be a very good sign because NO PAIN, NO GAIN *wink*

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