Monday 14 March 2016

QingMing & ... my father's death

QingMing(清明) also called tomb sweeping day, is the most important holiday for Chinese to remember the deceased. The actual date is 5th of April, but my relatives has always done it few days in advance, as most people do nowadays since the actual day is really packed with people and it can take hours just to reach the burial grounds. My dad was laid to rest almost 8 year ago after his battle with stage 3 throat cancer...He lost his ability to chew and swallow like normal due to the radical neck surgery and radiation treatments that he underwent to get rid of the cancer. He was only 65 years old and the day before my dad passed away he spent a lot of time sleeping. This was not like him at all. 22.03.2008 he began to vomit large quantities of fluid ( blood in dark color ). The fluid was coming out of his mouth and nose. No antibiotics would work on him. He appeared very weak although he's still able talk with us. On 23.03.2008, 3am... When I left the room and returned back to him in about 1 minute after I heard my mom scream, my dad had passed away...I can only imagine the pain & misery.. I wish I could have taken that pain from him. Watching my dad die was the most painful event in my life... ...

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