Sunday 27 March 2016

priceless memories

I am not a professional photographer but I like to click pictures =D Nowadays we can just touch/click a button on our smart phones to snap a pic and see exactly what the pic looks like. I'm thankful for the new technology because I love taking pictures and I appreciate that I'm able to delete the ones that didn't turn out like I had hoped. I'm capturing memories with each click whether it's a single pic of boyfie with a cheesy smile, a picture of boyfie and I enjoying a date night or a picture of bunch of friends together at somewhere. Each photo is vv important because the memory is priceless. Currently my phone has 1,333 pictures and I'll never delete those pics from my phone even though I've uploaded them all to my external hard drive. When I'm having a insomnia, I'll just scroll thru my photo album and reminisce. =,) The best part of pictures is that even the people in the photo change, the memory it contains never will. =)

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