Saturday 31 December 2016

Welcoming 2017

Easin Grand Sathorn Hotel @ Bangkok
As 2016 comes to an end, I want to wish you all the best for the coming year. Let’s welcome 2017 with smiles, dreams… and, of course, good pics! At the beginning of each New Year, I pick a few things I want to accomplish or work on throughout the year. Below are my New Year’s resolutions for 2017:

- Put more effort on my online business 
- Get in shape and eat healthier *I've gained a lot of weight in the past few months oh no!!
- Drink moreee water
- Spend less and save more for vacation *my goal is to go on a vacation every 6 months =D
- Socialize more *yeah, I'm really bad at socializing =(
- Be more organized
- Appreciate life more *the good days and even the bad and learn from everyday

Blessed to have a good day @ The Venezia, Hua Hin
Actually I have too manyyy new year's resolution. But I narrow them down and change the smaller resolutions into things that just need to get done LOL. They may not be relevant to you, but those are the things I’ve been needing to change for a while, and hopefully give you a bit of motivation. =) Last, but not least, Happy New Year!!!! Cheerss!!!

Saturday 24 December 2016


来自香港的同心圆 敬拜者使团的异象是以音乐传递神的信息,为神兴起及培训更多真诚的敬拜者,在这世代作神的精兵忠仆,见证福音的大能。同心圆 ● 敬拜者使团自1994年成立至今,致力在圣灵里建立一个相爱合一的团队,他们透过现代敬拜乐队、四部和声诗班,配合音响及行政支援事奉团队,举办各类型的培训,奋兴和布道聚会及制作具诚意的影音创作产品,以赞美(Praise)、祈祷(Prayer)、宣告(Proclaim)和传讲(Preach)为信念。同心圆 ● 敬拜者使团展开他们的“LOVE马来西亚宣教之旅”行程。来到沙巴亚庇之际刚好赶上平安夜。联合圣公会亚庇诸圣座堂举行圣诞音乐布道会。我和男友受邀出席这场圣诞敬拜布道音乐会。还有见证分享呢! 场面真的很温馨,热闹今天是平安夜,愿得平静的心,愿神的恩惠与我们同在,愿神祝福你和你的全家。

Tuesday 20 December 2016

dreams come true

'' We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort." - Jesse Owens

Somehow I like to imagine the ''feel'' of happiness with proudness. It felt really good for a while... basking in all the success, appreciation BUT after a while it fades away and I feel an emptiness....

Is it possible to make your dreams come true if you do not have money? Seriously yes!!! A lot can be done with that. You can learn the skills thru internet and grow your dreams, for low or no cost at all. Never ever give up on your dream because you don’t have money.




Wednesday 23 November 2016


I have a pen, I have an apple! Ughhh apple-pen! I have a pen, I have pineapple! Ughh pineapple pen! apple-pen, pineapple-pen! pen-pineapple-apple-pen! It became viral on internet and being recognized by Guinness World of Record as part of the Billboard Hot 100!!! I said to myself the first time I watched this is " apa shit? Why so many people got addicted to this stupidity? " but now I'm one of them LOL!!! Some find it senseless and annoying right? =D For me, it's actually funny as hell! ROFL!!  I've watched this numerous times and still think it is damn funnyyy!! Well, the song is illogical ( how a pen in an apple and a pen in a pineapple can change the order and have two fruits stuck together in the middle by nothing and have two pens sticking out??? ) BUT I believe some people out there really enjoy these type of videos.

This R&B version is better than the original version. me likeyyyy!!! =3

#Don't bomb me, I'm just sharing for fun XD

Tuesday 22 November 2016

poor neglected blog =(

I have been soooo busy lately that I have completely neglected my blog! It’s not because there is nothing to post but I have been busy handling other things like online selling =)  I will try to get caught up soon. Feeling lil depressed because of ... my boyfie. Last Friday we had an argument ( small issue actually ).  I always feel so upset after a fight especially when its my fault. We have small arguments occasionally but never lasted longer than one hour. My boyfie is so calm and patient with me all the time. He doesn't get angry at me easily, he is always soooo forgiving of me and I can't understand how or why. I genuinely cannot x_x Sometimes I do things like act stubborn to get my own way and I expect him to be vv angry at me but he isn't... Ughh shall talk about something happy instead. There are exciting times ahead! I'm soooo excited for Christmas!!! It really is the most wonderful time of the year! I'm mainly excited for the lights, Christmas tree, decorations, music ... etc..

Thursday 10 November 2016




  • 学会不想着依赖別人,做好自己。
  • 学会独自一个人承受一些事,一个人守着一些秘密。
  • 学会去关心家人,朋友,不要以为他们不会离开我们,就不在意。
  • 学会交际,和所有的人搞好关系,踏入社会,面对的人会更多。
  • 学会成熟处事,即使是装出来的。
  • 学会为自己的人生做好打算,自己争取来的更值得珍惜。
  • 学会不计较,忘记一些不愉快,也许你会更快乐。
  • 学会无条件付出,想想父母,你会释然。

#切忌不要忘了真诚 =)

Thursday 3 November 2016

highest stats =X

I ... feel like I have nothing to talk about today. Sometimes you might feel the same way right? So what do you do when you don't feel like talking? For me, kinda like right now, I just sit down and start writing...( typing actually ). I've been asked frequently ''Why do u blog ar?'' ''U blogging for fun or for payoff ar?'' Ehem, I know most people are blogging for fun rather than for pro reasons, and most just want to share their life experiences. =) For me, it’s about the thoughts and stories that I went thru, some involving food, movie and great place to be visit, but not always. Getting ''traffic'' is a goal for a lot of people, but for me that’s really not something I focus on. There’s an old saying that says “If u keep ur eyes on the future, u can’t see the present.”  I love ''telling'' stories with pictures ( making a photo essay XD ) whether is my own photos or pictures I downloaded from web. Remember the previous time I said that I blog because I want to capture the memories I go thru in my life? If you haven't read or can't remember, here's my post on it. I blog whatever I feel I like and I write reviews because I like to share my opinion about the certain topic. Recently I have noticed that one of my post ( pageviews ) hits 2k++. That's the most I've received in a month+ This post really keeping readers attention eh. First and foremost, thanks for clicking my blog and check out my post where I review about the movie. *wink*

Sunday 23 October 2016

Short review of The Unspoken

I love to watch horror film because I love to be frightened. Sound strange but actually true =D I have been watching horror film since I was a kid.. Oh ya ehem ... I have watched the movie ''UNSPOKEN''. This is a low budget horror film from Canada, where 95% of the scene are captured in a house. The movie was produced by the Steven Schneider, he has only been producing films for 9 years but he has already racked up 39 credits, many of those on notable entries in the horror genre like ''PARANORMAL ACTIVITY'', ''INSIDIOUS'' and ''BLAIR WITCH''. I never ever missed any horror/thriller movies once the movies were released. 

Well well well, the story line of the movie ( UNSPOKEN ) is about a family ( Anderson family ) has vanished from their home without a trace on year 1997. No bodies were ever found and the house has remained undisturbed until ... now ... year 2016 ... A single mother ( Jeanie ) with her son ( Adrian ) to move into the house and she hires a babysitter ( Angela ) to look after her son. And soon,  Angela starts to experiences some spooky occurrences...

This movie was actually doing pretty well even it lacks of visual effect ( my opinion ). Trust me, the ending was unexpected!! To anyone wanting a lil more creepy, ''Unspoken'' might not satisfy you =X

Genres : Thriller | Mystery
Running time : 1 hour 31 minutes
Rating : ★★★

Sunday 16 October 2016

Review : Inferno

I've just watched ''Inferno'' at City Mall and I never thought that this movie would be sooooo nice!!!! Idk why did the movie get so many negative reviews? It's a radically enjoyable thriller ar~ Well, Inferno is a 2013 mystery thriller novel by American author Dan Brown ( Err tbh I have never read his novel ). The movie's start is vv confusing me, where Professor Langdon ( character ) wakes up in a hospital with no idea how he came to be there, team up with Dr. Sienna Brooks to recover his memories. Among Langdon's belongings, Langdon and Sienna find a faraday pointer, which projects an image of the hell ( Dante's nine circles ). This is the first clue Langdon needs to decode and find the hidden message. Nah I'm a biggg fan ♥ of puzzle solving movies that can keep my eyes glued till the end and guess the hidden message of the movies. 

9 circles of hell ( Dante's Inferno )
This movie runs quite interesting until Sienna Brooks is revealing the true intentions. Watch the movie to figure WHY ^^ Apparently the story has a lot of intrigue, the visual effects of Dante's hell was amazing too. This movie has its own twists and deserves to be seen IF you are interested. =)

Genres : Action | Adventure | Mystery |
Running time : 2 hour 
Rating : ★★★★★

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Morganfield x Porky

Yeah!! Morganfield's finally opens up a branch in Kota Kinabalu at Imago Mall. Their popularity is visible with the crowds. Boyfie and I no need to stay in any queues because he had planned ahead and booked a table. I have pleasant experience when I first had my first Morganfield's experience back in year 2015 at IOI City Mall, Putrajaya. My first impression was the tenderness of the meat. Finger licking good yum yum!

The Hickory BBQ sticky bones ( left hand side ) belongs to boyfie.  It was marinated really well and succulent. You could easily rip off the flesh. The fries were nice too!!! #P/S : It's fairly large and can definitely be shared. And ... the pork shoulder chop ( right hand side ) belongs to me!! Served with my fav cauliflower, brocolli and ... light and fluffy mashed potatoes!!! BUT The pork chop macam overcooked because it's kinda hard and chewy =.= I couldn't finish it.

Playing with their mugs which had a pig's nose design hehe. Thanks boyfie for the treat xoxo ( cute doodle on the receipt *oink* ) Overall, for those who liked pork ribs, Morganfield's is definitely a must try. The menu is pretty extensive with tons of selections, the service is fine and ambience is cozy =) Their pricing a bit on the high side but but at least the portions are huge. I heard that the sausages are also remarkable. I must try it and definitely looking forward to eating at Morganfield's again *wink*

Check out their website Morganfield's for more information
☎ call 088-274281 for RSVP ( Imago Mall, Sabah )

Tuesday 4 October 2016

break-up/divorce year?

Idk why do so many friends break-up/divorce so much these days? After not being compatible for a period of timing they realize they were not meant to be together, and end up with break-up/divorce. Love tends to become fragile! tsk tsk tsk

e.g 1,

A have been in a relationship for 5 years to a B, who she considered to be a real sweet and gentle guy. However, A was unhappy about their financial arrangement. A was the one who paid all the expenses and B seemed to be forever getting them further into debt. A was stressed and miserable and saw break up is her only way out of the financial strain she was under. 

Don't take your significant other for granted!! Your partner is not your gold-digger. Once you start taking her for granted, the relationship becomes dull. Don't always rely entirely on your significant other for financial support. Just DON'T!!

e.g 2,

A's boyfriend broke up with her for no reason at all. B came over and told A the relationship weren't working out and they weren't meant to be together. Everything seemed fine. They barely ever fought. When A asked him if everything was okay, B insisted that everything was fine and told A she's too good for him and ... starts ignoring her.

Oh lame lame lame!!! What a lame excuse! It's just a lame way for him to try to dump you nicely. This makes absolutely no sense huh. This kind of guy is immature and too selfish. He is just giving this excuse because he knows it sounds nice and not harm, and he doesn't want to hurt your feelings. Remember someone isn’t going to dump you if what they really want is to be with you. 

e.g 3,

bored with her marriage and she wants her life to be different. She had dreams, visions and plans for the future before marriage but now she feels those dreams diminishing.  If money wasn't an object, A would consider divorce.

I think you are too young to consider marriage. You want the divorce, but you're not sure if it is the right decision? Since going thru a divorce will impacts your life. Oh woman! Seriously what did you see in each other when you met? Find that spark and get it back! Successful marriages go thru peaks and troughs.

Many people expect their significant other to know instinctively that they are not happy with them. But problem is their significant other have no idea what they did wrong. My advice is if you are not happy with the way your significant other is treating you, you need to tell her/him clearly. Don’t expect her/him know what's bothering you. Being in a relationship is hard work, sometimes harder than the regular job. Communication is key no matter what the issue and you both got to learn to compromise. Remember, relationship takes time, effort, and maturity. 

Monday 3 October 2016

Review : Mary Kay Gel Semi-Matte Lipstick

First of all, I would like to thank you for the lovely birthday gift #Youknowwhoyouare =) Thank you for remembering my birthday xoxo. My friend gifted me some of Mary Kay skincare/cosmetic products on my birthday. 

I am sure that most of you out there have tried various types of lipsticks. There are several types of textures and lipstick finishes to choose, whether it's matte lipstick, satin lipstick or gloss lipstick. So today I'm going to review the latest collection of lipsticks by Mary Kay. This is Mary Kay's first full-coverage lipstick, utilizing gel microsphere technology for rich, stay-true color that lasts for hours. There are 8 colors to match your outfits → Bashful You, Rich Truffle, Mauve Moment, Powerful Pink, Always Apricot, Poppy Please, Crushed Berry & Midnight Red. Each lipstick contains moisturizing ingredients such as sunflower oil and jojoba esters to help condition the lips. I like the formulation and I’m sure you’ll find one out of the 8 shades that works well for you. Btw my friend gifted me the pinkish one.

Tadaaa!!! It's Powerful Pink x Rose Puissant lipstick. The semi-matte lipstick comes in curvy shiny black lipstick tubes with a silver decal and the cap have a clear plastic top that allows you to see the color inside.

Closer look of the Powerful Pink x Rose Puissant lipstick. As you can see, the texture on the skin is really smooth. I have pretty dry lips so I was curious to see how it would perform.

Here are the result once I put it on my lips. I feel fun and energetic in my pink matte lipstick lol. I'm not adventurous enough to try out the deep/bright color lipstick and I used to think that pinkish lipstick aren't suit for me because of the the color might clashes with my skin tone but this semi matte bold pink lipstick works well with my skin complexion. Hmm...the color very matte but not drying, it lasted on my lips for hours ( This is my favorite part ). Tbh I am amazed with the staying power. Overall the matte lips are great because it's not sticky and the texture vv comfortable. You can always check out their website for further info. Here is the website size 

Sunday 2 October 2016

more blessings to come and hello October!

It's self-improvement month lalalala. Must turn this month to my most productive month!!! Today I bought a plant! Yes!!! A plant!! A...cactus!! I picked up this great looking cactus at Gaya Street. Hurmnn ... I’m not sure what species it is. It looks cute with the froggy pot. I have 0 knowledge on cactus I was told that this plant will rot if you water it too much. I hope the cactus blooms some day =) For those who wants to grow a low maintenance plant, you may consider cactus because some cactus types can be used as pot plants. ( just like mine ). 

P/S : Thanks for reading. Hope you have a good start for the month of October. *wink*

Friday 16 September 2016

blessed birthday

Yes it was my birthday yesterday. My birthday falls on Mid-Autumn festival. =D I’d like to thank you all for the birthday wishes. They’ve come flooding in via Facebook, Whatsapp, Wechat and Instagram. Big warm hugs to you all. I really appreciate it. Well, my favorite birthdays are always spent with boyfie. This year my boyfriend surprised me with a home-cooked dinner.

Wagyu tenderloin steak served with mashed potatoes and asparagus. Nothing's better than a home cooked birthday meal made by my amazing boyfie. I love when my boyfie cooks for me. It means a lot more to me than going out to dinner because I know he put time & effort into doing it. 

Medium rare steak is the most delicious steak in the world! =D

Tbh the Wagyu steak so succulent and tender.

I love pony/unicorn so boyfie got me a cake that had decorations of pony on it. I don't even want to eat the cake it's too cute.

Another year older and happier. So grateful for everything in my life. 

I had a really really lovely day and I’m feeling very loved. I wish myself many more years of joy, love, laughter, health and prosperity. 

Friday 9 September 2016


暖男/considerate guy ♥ A lot of good men could be more thoughtful of the women in their lives. I'm thankful that my boyfriend is sweet and thoughtful. I greatly appreciate your willingness to put up with my awful attitude. Thank you for proving that not all guys suck =P Btw I hit my thigh really hard on a shelf at my workplace few days ago.  Bruise started abut the size of my thumb and getting wider now =(

Boyfie rubbing the bruise mark with 铁打酒. Thank you so much for being considerate. xoxo 

4 ways to get rid of bruise

◆ Mix vinegar with warm water and rub it over the bruise ◆
◆ Rub it out with 铁打酒 ( Chinese liniment - made from herbs and mixed with alcohol ) ◆
◆ Hot compresses like a hot towel ◆
◆ Boil an egg and peal the egg when cooked and roll it where there is a bruise and roll it back and forward ◆


It doesn't really matter what you rub into it, it's the rubbing that matters. Disburse the pool of blood and the discoloration will go away =)

Monday 5 September 2016

Review : Train to Busan

Actually I don't like Korean movies but since everyone is posting on Facebook about how heartfelt the ending is and even people who don't usually like thriler/zombie movies seem to like this movie. So ... I decided to watch it. The theater was vvv crowded. Luckily we were warned of the long lines and boyfie bought the tickets online. Most of the seats were already occupied. >_<

The movie starts with a father, Seok Woo, he is bringing his daughter Su An to visit his ex wife who lives in the port city of Busan by train. Before the train leaves Seoul station, a girl infected with a horrific virus jumps onto the train. She became frantic and began biting into the flesh of the passengers on train. So the story is about a couple of passengers struggle to survive on the train from Seoul to Busan. The movie shows how selfish a human can be. Not denying the fact that nowadays human beings have gotten more selfish... =( 

Sang Hwa looked kind of badass and uncouth man but he's actually an uxorious and kindhearted man. He fights to protect his pregnant wife, Sung Kyung. However, he sacrificed himself to hold the door while others escape to safety. 

Kim Eui Sung starred as the selfish transportation executive named Yong Suk. Everyone made sacrifices and died because of his selfishness.

The heartbreaking part is when Seok Woo tells Sung Kyung and Su An how to stop the engine at the end of the track as he sacrifices himself before he is transformed. This scene is definitely had us bawling inside the cinema.

The movie is more like the ups and downs of a roller coaster from beginning to end. But I think the story is progressing too fast and the ending seems incomplete. They should explain more about the infection. If you like zombie film don't miss this great movie. To those who haven't watched Train to Busan may judge the movie just a typical zombie film, BUT it is the story of relationships and interactions that rises above the horrific carnage. *P/S : Just make sure you bring a lot of tissue.

Genres : Action | Horror | Thriller |
Running time : 1 hour 58 minute
Rating : ★★★★☆

Saturday 3 September 2016

Open when ideas

I got the idea while googling for cute crafts for boyfie on our anniversary. So I decided to make some and add some ''mysterious'' gifts into the box! We've been together for 12 months so I made 12 boxes. Each box contained a small gift and a piece of handwritten note from me.

If you’re using a decorative box, you’re already halfway there. 

My Boxes:
  1. OPEN WHEN ... You're stressed
  2. OPEN WHEN ... You're mad at me
  3. OPEN WHEN ... You're missing me a lot
  4. OPEN WHEN ... You're doubting my love
  5. OPEN WHEN ... You need encouraging
  6. OPEN WHEN ... You can't sleep
  7. OPEN WHEN ... You're hungry
  8. OPEN WHEN ... You're having a bad day
  9. OPEN WHEN ... You need a laugh
  10. OPEN WHEN ... You're sick
  11. OPEN WHEN ... You're sad
  12. OPEN WHEN ... You're bored

You can also include some picture of you and your significant. Writing a letter is always a good idea and it can be appropriate for any situation. Letter writing can seem hopelessly outdated but it is meaningful. In an age when all our correspondence is typed out, it’s becoming increasingly rare to see someone’s own words in their own handwriting on a paper ( appreciate mine! lol ). There’s something incredibly romantic about a love letter. I prefer writing letters because I don’t want our love to live in some forgotten corner of our inbox/draft. I want it to live in something I can hold in my hands. =P

OPEN WHEN ... You need a laugh - I hope these make you laugh as much as they did me. You always bring a smile to my face so I wanted to return the favor.

OPEN WHEN ... You need encouraging - When you're done everything you can do, that's when GOD will step in and do what you can't do. GOD is not punishing you, he is preparing you. Trust his plans, not your pain.
Well, I hope you found this post helpful. It is probably good choice if you’re looking for a sweet and heartfelt gift that you can make without spending too much money. 

Friday 2 September 2016

Our Anniversary ♥

They say that time flies when you're having fun and that's right! Today marks the 1 year anniversary of us. A year that was filled with such wonderful memories ♥ Boyfie picked me up and surprised me with a bouquet of flowers. I was like OMG! Boyfie knew I love anything purple so he requested the florist for a purple themed bonquet. Awww~ so sweet ♥

We went to Tatu cafe at Shangri-La for buffet dinner. ( I like buffet because can eat variety of foods. At a buffet I can actually get small portions of many different types of foods =D ). The staffs are welcoming and so helpful. The foods were replenished vv quick and the seafood served were really fresh.

This is my custom ordered cupcakes for boyfie. Have you ever experienced a coincidence so incredible that it left you stunned? >.< We both were amazed because the colors and design of the bouquet and flowers so similar! I was wondering if telepathy exist because there are times where I am thinking about something and my boyfriend is thinking about the same thing too!

To le boyfie, I really don't know how to tell you how much you mean to me and how much I love you. But please know that I never want you to leave me. The love I feel for you grows bigger every day. Every day I have spent with you has been wonderful because you have shown me how much you love me. Thanks for being the happiness of my life. Happy anniversary dear!

Thursday 1 September 2016

Welcome September

September is here, amazing how time flies. So it’s officially my birthday month!  Thank you, thank you!!! You can go ahead and send gifts to me lol. September is my favorite month for 2 amazing reasons! Anniversary and my birthday =) so September, you better be bringing me a lot of sunshine and rainbows and may the new month bless you with loads of love, happiness & good health.

Wednesday 31 August 2016



译名:One Night Only










女主角杨子姗饰演的妓女虽然颇具风尘,但不失那份清纯。一开始高野是不爱茉茉的,可是剧情的最后他却爱上这个为了他义无反顾的女人。其实从《重返20岁》就开始关注她了。从《重返20岁》到这部《天亮之前》,喜欢杨子珊是因为她演技好好,戏中情感拿捏的非常到位。这部电影其中一句虐心台词是杨子姗那句“那个晚上对于你来说,也许只是一个晚上,但对于我来说它却是一辈子。” 成长的过程必然会让人经历挫折,只是每个人的挫折有大有小,所以无论什么样的人生打击只要活着就有希望。《天亮之前》是一部值得一看的电影,尤其是最后的反转,那种环环相扣的感觉加分不少。它不仅充满惊喜,也无比感动。

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Happy Birthday WeeWee!!

Today was a reallyyy exhausting day for me. But it was definitely worth it. I lied to boyfie that I knocked off from hectic work and I was going home but in fact I drove from Putatan to Kepayan 333 Plaza to collect the helium balloon, then drove all the way down to Inanam Laut to get the cake and brought the cake and balloon to Vino - Vino at KK Times Square. I picked this bistro because the ambience is great and I thought that boyfie would like it too =) I hurried to set the table with everything because I'm almost unfailingly on time. I went to his house around 7:45pm, he asked me 去哪里吃? ( go where to eat? ) and I answered him 我想想下啊~ ( let me think about it ). I made him think that I didn't make any preparation for his birthday ( I'm good at pretending =P ). I saw his disappointment, his facial expression says it all =D I teased him 我们随便吃啦, 可是吃之前我们去下Riverson那里抓Pokemon诶!听说那里有Drogonite哦! ( We ''cincai'' eat la! but let's go catch some Pokemon at Riverson before dinner! I heard that Dragonite appeared in there ). He really thought I did not plan anything for his birthday =D I parked my car at the Riverson and we walked down from the car, I pulled him in a little closer and walked to the bistro, 这里是吃什么的? I asked him curiously. I opened the door before he talked, walked in quickly towards the smoke-free dining area, he is following me too. I stopped walking and ask him to look for ''his table'' He was ''har?'' He blushed when he saw the decorations.

Throughout the entire surprise boyfie was happily smiling =D I secretly planned this entire surprise for about one month, what to buy, what to decorate, which place will be good for dining and etc.

Custom ordered rich chocolate cake for boyfie. This delicious cake is topped with assorted chocolate. The cake was slightly sweet but had a vv great texture. Last but not least, I feel blessed on a daily basis to be with you, especially on this day. And I thank the Lord for bringing you into my life. I hope you had a good day! Love you more than words can say. Happy Birthday love! ♥

Thursday 11 August 2016

Pokémon Go? GO!!!!

At first I was wonder why everyone is obsessing over the Pokémon Go? My Facebook are flooded with Pokémon posts on the day the app officially launched in Malaysia. I only recognize Pikachu and I really really don't even know other characters from the series. I thought Pikachu is youngster and Pokémon is adult, so what set in my mind is Pikachu = Pokémon, Pokémon = Pikachu *face palm* I know I sound unbelievably but I've never watched it. My boyfie is obsessed with the game and half of my Facebook friends share their excitement about catching Pokémon. I had a dream about catching Pokémon so... I BROKE DOWN and downloaded the game lol. I caught my first Pokémon on Pokémon Go and it is Bulbasaur. The game is...kind of interesting but draining toooo much battery on my phone.

It's my 3rd day playing Pokémon Go, and now I'm officially get all the uproar about the game, I'm so addicted it's unreal! Boyfie and I walked all the way from KK high court to Gaya street pokestop for lure module. Well, great way to farm ''XP'' if you're looking to catch lots of Pokémon in a short period of time =) ( P/S: If you want to catch a lot of Pokémon, you want to be in a place with Pokestop ) The ultimate trend on the perfect date with boyfie is "going to catch Pokémon together". Pokémon Go hasn't even been out for a week, and the app has already gotten me crazy XD Based on my research, you can find commonly type Pokémon ( Magickarp, Psyduck, Venonat) at Kepayan 88, water type Pokémon ( Kabutops, Omanyte, Dratini, Seel ) at Teluk Dumpil Meruntum, uncommonly type Pokémon ( Gastly, Machoke, Pikachu, Geodude, Magneton ) at KKIA, Venusaur, Starmie, Sandshrew at Foh Sang, Tangela, Slowbro at Lintas Plaza, rare type Pokémon ( Rhyhorn, Scyther, Beedrill ) at Jalan Kobusak, Nidorino, Eevee, Spearow...etc at Gaya street.

# The video of My Pokemon Go Rant by Jenn going viral on Facebook. ROFL. Yea...Zubat is EVERYWHERE! Appeared in everyyy region.

Sunday 7 August 2016

Review : Suicide Squad

Watched the movie at Suria yesterday. It was my first time watching a movie in d-box ( incredibly expensive =.= ) It's basically a vibrating chair in the cinema that moves according to the movie. hehe. I'm not sure why many critics said the movie was so "terrible". I'm not a comic book fan and I'm not familiar with the characters from the comic book but I personally think Suicide Squad is gooooood for many reasons.

The first one is Boomerang, the second is Harley Quinn, she is Joker's insane partner in crime. The third from is Deadshot,  a sniper that never miss a single shot. The middle one is Katana, she's the protector of Rick Flagg. The rough monster is Killer Croc and the last one is Diablo, the master of flames. Diablo's full powers were very awesome at the end. There are back stories for every character but didn't' felt much. The team of criminals led by Rick Flagg are assembled and forced to help a special teams unit as in Escape From New York. They must enter the city and retrieve someone important, but the Joker is tracking their movements as he tries to take Harley back.

The witch-goddess, Enchantress and her brother motive just like X-men Apocalypse. They want  to destroy the earth. Enchantress has the power of persuasion to make people do whatever she wants.

The characters were good although some don't get enough screen time. Harley Quinn was the best role in the movie, I doesn't like Katana, she is probably the worst out of all the characters. ( just my opinion).

I love this part of Joker and Harley screenplay ↓

Joker points down towards the vats.

Joker: “There. I was born down there.”
Harley stares down. She desperately wants the same.
Joker: “Would you die for me?”
Harley nods.
Harley: “Yes.”
Joker: “No… that’s too easy. Would you live for me?”
Joker smiles, scaring her.
Joker: “Will you embrace me, and only me?”
Harley nods vigorously.
Joker: “Will you bind your spirit to mine… in hate? Do you consign your soul to me? Do you laugh at the world in disgust?”
Harley: “…yes.”
Joker: “Do not say this oath thoughtlessly. Desire becomes surrender. Surrender becomes power. Do you want it? Do you really want it?”
Harley: “I do. I do.”
Joker: “Then goodbye, Doctor Quinzel.”

Joker gestures towards the edge of the vat. Without hesitation she jumps. Joker thinks “She’s gone and problem solved.” He walks away and suddenly he feels something...Love. The relationship between Joker and Harley was always complicated. Joker is abusive and manipulative towards Harley but he did feel affection for Harley. Harley and Joker should have their own movie!! Hopefully an extended version boosts this up, because I was absolutely thrilled by every sequence with Joker & Harley Quinn ♥

This movie had some more comedy and at the same time dark so it melded vv well. Overall, the movie was great, the action scenes and soundtrack was awesome. It was more enjoyable than Batman V Superman. Oopss!*

Genres : Action | Adventure | Comedy |
Running time : 2 hour 03 minute
Rating : ★★★★★

Thursday 4 August 2016

Another year over and I'm still here...

It was just coincidence. I was finishing my studies on year 2004, searched for part-time job and found HS. I get so tied up with my job once I start working and on the second year I feel the need to develop my skills so I continue my studies. → Work full-time + study part-time ( LCC1&CAD). I was never very ambitious but I always wanted to learn new things =) I never expected to stay this long I am. I’ve been at the same company for nearly 12 years, and during that time, the company businesses has increasingly thrive. I started as basically a clerk and as the company grew, I eventually worked my way into a ''executive secretary'' position ( provides both clerical and administrative ). My job description includes customer service, CAD drafting tasks, calculate costs based on client's requirements and prepare detailed estimates to ensure budgets are sufficient for each stage of construction. My job isn't vv challenging but has many learning opportunity. Generally people don't stay in one place for that long but I personally think that staying for years on a job can also be a positive thing IF you've gained seniority and leadership opportunities =D

Wednesday 3 August 2016

overthinking is what kills me...

Thoughts are destroying me, eating me from inside..You may think I am a bit over-dramatic but I'm not. I used to play out a narrative in my head 24/7 and so much of it was...negative... I would get so caught up in thoughts about bad things and my mood would be spoiled and... I’d be pissed off. It’s been almost entirely due to my inability to control my thoughts...

I wonder how many are you ever been stuck overthinking something that happened or something you think will happen...?

Tuesday 2 August 2016

August is FINALLY here!

I’m so excited! So many things going on this month and I have a strong feeling this month is going to be exhausting because is Tonkey's birthday month! =D May this month be one of the most blessed and happy months for us ♥  I know I had spend a lot of time in my ''own world'' and sometimes I feel like I'm vv unaware of things. I usually vv quiet and I only comfortable talking with certain people. I wish I could completely overcome my social anxiety. #P/S: Even I've definitely gotten better over the years...

Monday 1 August 2016

simple Tiramisu recipe ( eggless and non-alcoholic )

Tiramisu, a dessert made of layers of coffee soaked ladyfingers and a rich cheese =) Each bite will have rich yet airy cream cheese and spongy coffee flavored ladyfingers. Today I'm going to share how to make the eggless and non-alcoholic Tiramisu. The recipe is vv simple ( doesn't have tons of complicated and annoying steps and takes about 30 minutes to complete ) but totally indulgent. Below are the basic overview of the steps in making this tiramisu recipe:

First, start by preparing the ingredients:

• 250gm cream cheese 
• 250ml whipping cream
• Ladyfingers ( Italian cookies with powdered sugar on one side )
• Hot water
• Vanilla essence 
• White Sugar
• Coffee powder
• Cocoa powder

I use Tatura cream cheese instead of Philadelphia cream cheese. The price of Tatura was a fair bit cheaper than Philadelphia xD ( Note : Tiramisu is traditionally made with Marscarpone cheese, which is an Italian cheese. It’s very similar to cream cheese, but smoother. You can use either Marscarpone or you can use cream cheese. Depends on you. I used cream cheese because I didn’t find it at store and I didn’t want to go to others store because of my laziness =.= )

I use 35% fat whipping cream instead of whipped cream. You may have question what's the different of whipping cream and shipped cream. Well, whipping cream is thick cream than can be whipped so that it doubles in volume and whipped cream is thick cream that has already been whipped.

2 teaspoon vanilla essence. ( Note : Vanilla just makes it tastes better or gives it a flavor. You can use any kind of extract, depending on what you want your cake to taste like. )

Combine the cream cheese, whipping cream, vanilla essence and sugar in a mixing bowl and beat in high speed.

Pour some white sugar. ( Note : You can substitute with brown sugar because brown sugar contains molasses, which may change the texture and flavor but the sweetness level will be the same. )

Dissolve the coffee powder ( Nescafe ) in a glass of hot water. ( Note : You can add Bailey or Kahlua if you like. )

Dip the ladyfinger into the coffee, rotating to coat all sides. Letting the ladyfingers soak too long will cause them to fall apart so just dip 3 seconds.

Place the soaked ladyfinger on the container.

Pour a layer of the cream cheese mixture on the ladyfingers.

Spoon over half of the filling over the ladyfingers and spread evenly. Repeat with another layer of ladyfingers and spoon over the remaining filling.

Cocoa powder ( to dust ). You can substitute with Milo if you didn't have any cocoa powder. I prefer cocoa powder because Milo has more of a malt taste.

Dust the top with cocoa powder as much as you like.

Tiramisu should be served cold. Store the layered tiramisu in the fridge for at least 2 hours before serving. ( The Tiramisu can be kept in the fridge for up to 2 days )

Simple and inexpensive Tiramisu done!! Itadakimsu!!!! This recipe makes 3-4 servings. If you are making it to feed a crowd, you can use a large baking dish and x3 the ingredients and it will make around 12 serves. If you are reading this post, I hope it will be useful for you. Good luck ❤