Friday 28 August 2015

Mr. right

I have seen a lot of peoples being more mature afta ending up their relationship. But girls always take longer time to overcome the breakup. So I dedicate this post to all the ladies because I believe dat every girl is limited and deserves the man brings out the best in her. Before thinking of any future relationship, a girl must learn to love herself bcz the key to finding true love is self love ♥ atm I don't want a boyfie but one day in my future I might need someone who can trusts & understands me. 

I want someone who allows me to be childish and needs me in his life and looks beyond the figure and physical appearances & sees my true inner core. I know if he exists, I will meet him at the right time & in the right way.


Dear future boyfriend,

I don't know who u are yet but I'm still waiting for the right time to talk to u & share things with u. I don't need a perfect boyfriend to be with me, I just need someone who would appreciate me & all the things I love to do. The right one who will not judge me but can definitely say the awkward words in front of me and just accept me for who I am. I promise that I won’t be too hard on u. I can be vry patient and kind as long as u are willing to do the same for me. I can give you my whole heart if you are ready to give away yours. All I ask is you will handle my fragile heart with care ♥

Your future girlfriend,


oldies BUT goodies ♬

Sometimes I feel strange because none of my friends like what I like, they only listen to new songs..There is a lot of good oldies =) I listen to old and modern songs and yea...old songs were much better. I love the 90's and early 00's music. Music from the late 90's and early 00's was popular when I was young. It brings me back to my awesome teenage life. I can listen to the same song on repeat for ages and repeating the same thought. But I've noticed for years of listening to it I always fantasize abt something familiar to the mood of the song. 

1.  '' Thinking of you ''  -  Taj Jackson
2.  '' Miss you like crazy ''  -  The Moffats
3.  '' Everything ''  -  98 Degree
4.  '' Pretty boy ''  -  M2M
5.  '' Lucky ''  -  Britney Spears
6.  '' Where is the love ''  -  Black Eyed Peas
7.  '' 2 become 1 ''  -  Spice Girls
8.  '' I don't want to miss a thing ''  -  Destiny Child
9.  '' Your song  ''  -  Elton John
10.  '' Januari ''  -  Glenn Fredly feat Kenny G
11.  '' I try ''  -  Macy Gray
12.  '' When you believe ''  -  Whitney Houston & Mariah Carey
13.  '' My heart will go on ''  -  Celine Dion
14.  '' Truly, Madly, Deeply ''  -  Savage Garden
15.  '' This I promise you ''  -  N SYNC
16.  '' 星晴 ''  -  周杰伦
17.  '' 忠孝东路走九遍 ''  -  动力火车
18.  '' 无心伤害 ''  -  杜德伟
19.  '' 说天说地说空虚 ''  -  罗嘉良
20.  '' 我们的故事 ''  -  Tension
21.  '' 勇气 ''  -  梁静茹
22.  '' 渔人码头 ''  -  熊天平
23.  '' 选择 ''  -  叶倩文 & 林子祥
24.  '' 暧昧 ''  -  候湘婷
25.  '' 你怎么连话都说不清楚 ''  -  蔡依林
26.  '' 一路上有你 ''  -  张学友
27.  '' 爱你恨自己 ''  -  殷悦
28.  '' 相爱无梦 ''  -  张智霖
29.  '' 恋人未满 ''  -  S.H.E
30.  '' First Love ''  -  Utada Hikaru

Happy songs = I'll think of happy like becoming famous XD
Love songs = I'll think of propose marriage and being with someone. 
Sad songs = I'll think of death/related stuff.

If I had to choose one song, it would be Ricky Martin's "Te Extraño, Te Olvido, Te Amo" ( English: "I Miss You, I Forget You, I Love You" )

Traigo en los bolsillos tanta soledad 
Desde que te fuiste no me queda mas 
Queda una foto gris y un triste sentimiento 

Lo que más lastima es tanta confusión 
en cada resquicio de mi corazón 
Como hacerte a un lado 
de mis pensamientos 

Por ti, por ti, por ti 
he dejado todo sin mirar atrás 
Aposté la vida y me deje ganar 

Te extraño 
porque vive en mí tu recuerdo 
Te olvido 
A cada minuto lo intento 
Te amo 
Es que ya no tengo remedio 
Te extrano, te olvido 
Y te amo de nuevo 

He perdido todo, hasta la identidad 
Y si lo pidieras más podría dar 
Es que cuando se ama 
nada es demasiado 

Me enseñaste el limite de la pasión 
Y no me enseñaste a decir adiós 
He aprendido ahora 
que te has marchado 

Por ti, por ti, por ti... 
Te extraño... 

*** ENGLISH ***

I carry in my pockets so much loneliness 
since you have gone I have nothing 
just left a grey photo and a sad feeling 

what hurt me the most is so much confusión/mess 
in every inch of my heart 
how to put you aside 
of my thoughts 

for you, for you, for you 
i have left everythings without looking back 
I bet life and I let myself to be won* 

I miss you 
because your memory lives in me 
I forget you 
every minute I try 
I love you 
I have no cure 
I miss you, I forget you 
and I love you again 

I have lost eveything, even the identity 
and if you would ask, more I could give 
because when you loove 
nothing is too much 

you showed me the limit of passion 
and didnt teach me how to say goodbye 
I hav learned now 
that you have gone 

for you, for you, for you 
I miss you...

Thursday 27 August 2015






我会说:“ 你给我爱情就好,面包我自己买。。。’’

Tuesday 25 August 2015


我们常常会把彼此的错过归咎为缘份,其实‘‘ 缘 ’’只是虚幻抽象的一个概念。真正影响一段关系的往往就是那一时三刻相遇与相爱的时机。如果彼此出现地早一点,也许就不会和另一个人十指紧扣,又或者相遇的再晚一点,晚到两个人在各自的爱情经历中慢慢地学会了包容与体谅,善待和妥协,也许走到一起的时候就不会那么轻易的放弃。即使两个人有多亲密,一段真挚的感情依然需要时间来成全和考验。这世界有着太多的限制与隐秘的禁忌,又有太多难以预测的变故和身不由已的离合,一个转身,也许就已经一辈子错过。。。

谢谢曾经的你,给了我最温柔的回忆 =)

Monday 24 August 2015

Night with Somersby

I'm not a very good drinker but I do enjoy a glass of wine ( preferably red ) or a bottle of cider =) and perhaps because I can't hold my liquor well, most friends label me as cheap drunk, which is why I don’t drink when I club because my liquor tolerance is almost non-existent LOL. That's why cider is a great choice for me to not experience a hangover the next day yet enjoying my liquor for the night =D Somersby Apple Cider is probably 1 of my most frequently ordered drinks now especially when I'm out with my friends during night time. What's special abt Somersby Apple Cider is dat it is based on fermented apple juice & just like beer, the cider is based on natural ingredients and has a strong non-artificial apple taste. 

•  4.5% alc. vol. Apple cider 
• Contains 17.5% real apple fruit juice 
• Made from fermented apple juice, with added apple juice, sugar and natural flavoring to give a crisp and delicious apple cider taste
• 55 kcal/100ml 

Conclusion: Max love it! Highly recommended for those like sweet & light bodied alcoholic drinks.

Sunday 23 August 2015

Point of PROMISE

'' People ask me why it's so hard to trust people? and I ask them why is it so hard to keep a promise '' - unknown

For what I have seen... I don't think people have self-control anymore, whether it is telling a secret or being in a relatioship...Making a promise & sticking to it is hard. As long as u promised , u should be keeping it and holding it. When someone tells me : '' promise me to do "something", tbh when I know I can't do it or it may take longer time, I'll say : '' I don't promise u bcuz I can't assure if I can do it or not ". I won't deny dat most of them get annoyed of me bcuz I'm saying so but logically how can I say something I'm gonna do although I dunno if I can do it or not? several times I found although I don't break my promises, '' those peoples '' who are dealing with me are breaking their ones. Hmm... promises shouldn't only be in big stuff , u must also keep ur promises in the smallest things. I never gave a promise that I will not keep, so my promises is rare and hard to get =)


终于有一天,他牵着另一个女生的手出现在我面前,说:‘‘ 今天天气不错 ’’ 我在心里说,是啊,好得跟世界末日似的。后来我反省这段关系,才知道这就是暧昧。


在之后的人生,我见识到了很多暧昧的感情,琢磨着,思考着,也有了自己的看法。暧昧是什么?暧昧是。。。比好朋友再亲一点,但比情人远一点。暧昧是有感觉,然而这种感觉不足以切切实实地发展一段正式的关系。现实有太多的限制,太多的无奈。你知道没有可能,但又舍不得放手。。。没有承诺的暧昧,甜津津的同时又酸溜溜的。往往从未开始,已叫人不安。小小的感觉 ,小小的问候 ,小小的眼神 ,小小的碰触,触电的感觉 ,来电的感觉 ,心跳的感觉。因为联想能力太丰富,可以把对方一个笑容,一个眼神都过度解读,以为对方对自己有意思,而产生恋爱或即将恋爱的错觉。但当你想更靠近一步,对方却可以毫不犹豫地转身离开。你以为的暧昧,往往是那个人在利用你的真情当游戏。就好像被敌人俘虏的囚徒,却被好吃好喝招待着,一天没有看到刽子手,就仍怀抱生存的希冀。非要到对方把话挑明了,才能给到会心一击,五雷轰顶。



Friday 21 August 2015

Random thoughts...

Have u ever missed someone & felt terrible bcz u think dat he/she doesn't miss u? Missing someone is a terrible but at the same time is a sweet feeling. You will be sitting around & thinking if he/she ever cares about u and rushing to the phone once it rings hoping dat it's him/her. Laying on ur bed, thinking of the last time u were out together, talking about everything, dreams, plans, future. Logging on to the internet hoping to see him/her online. When you realise dat he/she isn't online, u will start worrying if he/she is okay. Missing someone is a way of growing up I guess. It exposes u to loneliness. It teaches u how to cope with being lonely & let u know dat there is actually a feeling known as emptiness... =(

Thursday 20 August 2015

My first PANDORA♛

I personally don't own any PANDORA jewelry and this was the first time I've actually stepped into the store at Suria. I felt vry welcome upon stepping into the store ♥  I love the warm lights & how clean & neat the interior was. The sales person were absolutely vry patient & professional in helping me throughout the whole customization process. I tot 2-3 charms would be ideal for starters although I did think dat it would be really awesome if I could fill up the entire bracelet. now I understand why so many ppl are crazy over adding charms to the bracelet bcz it's addictive lol.

It’s my first Pandora bracelet!!! I finally made my first step in creating my very first PANDORA charm bracelet! ( Pandora moments silver bracelet with heart clasp + pink sparkling hearts murano charm & fancy purple pave inspiration spacer charm )  I'm not hurry tho. I’ll complete my bracelet with charms that signifies the milestones in my life in the future hohoho xD

Happy Chinese Valentine's Day ♥

七夕@ Chinese Valentine's Day falls on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month. That's today!! Somebody asked me today if I missed u?? and my 1st instinct was to lie and But I couldn’t, so I said “sometimes...”. It bothers me bcz I just don’t unds why I even miss you “sometimes” bcz we really didn’t spend dat much time together. When me and my ex broke up we were going on 3 years plus and I never missed 'him' lol. Maybe it’s bcz we were so much more than just lover, we were friend? Loosing a friend always hurts more than loosing a lover. And when you left I lost both….and although I know it was nothing I could have done to change the outcome, I still wonder how something so passionate could change so quickly * deep emo sigh *….. btw happy chinese valentines day….loads of love to you! ♥♥♥

Wednesday 19 August 2015


Definition of H.O.P.E
hold on, pain ends...

Everything is going to be alright ... ...



" Time can heal all wounds but it can never erase the scars "

Not all wounds can be healed with time...I know this from personal experience. You can forgive but not forget. Broken hearts can be put back together and look whole but the scars will always remain as a reminder to take more care next time. This is a case v every human beings =( sometimes the time is not right & everything goes wrong. When the time is right, everything is right, no matter what u did was right/wrong. We wait for a right time to do certain things which r appropriate for dat time. Time definitely can heal all the wounds bcz if the right time has come in your life then u will forget all ur sorrows & the bad things which happened in the past. But it can never erase the scar because even tho we forget the bad things which happened in the past we cannot erase the wrongs and the bad memories. '' They '' are '' there '' to stay...

To '' anonymous'' :

Sometimes I don't text u first because I don't want to feel like I'm annoying u...bcuz I knew u changed the way you replied, start using one word answers. Or not even answer at all. Sometimes I can just sense dat something in the conversation had changed.. It has been a quite long time since the last time we '' talked''. Even afta the way u dumped me, I just can’t stop thinking about u. It’s not bcz I don’t have any self-respect, but bcz my love was true. I..miss you.. Although I know & accept the fact dat our relationship is over, there were something dat I just couldn’t let go of and move on. I just hv some regrets. The type of regrets dat has been keeping me up at night & making me sick to my stomach to think about =( these were regrets abt how and who I was in our relationship, and regrets dat I could hv and should hv done more.. I knew from the vry beginning dat we are 2 diff people who are on 2 diff walks of life. To me though, as long as we were together, I was the happiest I could be we’re not, it feels like a part of me is missing, and it still hurts.. Part of me wonders if our relationship would hv played out differently if I didn’t get sucked into my own fear... I know and accept that you don’t feel the same towards me as I feel towards you tho, tho it does hurt, obviously...and like I said before. I just hope dat u will put yourself on the right track to find true happiness. I also hope dat u will find someone who u love as much as I love u, and when u find her, don’t let her go. No matter if she deserves better or whatever reasons u can think of to talk yourself out of being with her =) I still want to at least be friend v you, like u said dat u wanted when you broke up with me : '' I want to be able to talk and joke around with you..''

Love always,

Tuesday 18 August 2015


有那么一刻。。。发现自己跟身边的人交际越来越少,懒得解释太多,亲近的人不在身边,其它人似乎没有深交的必要,最多见面点头打个招呼,无聊的时候就看看以前发的状态和照片,开始怀念从前,很多舍不得删掉的还是删掉了,那一刻也不知道自己到底怎么了,原来。。。 一个人真的会变成自己曾经最反感的样子。。。

怎麽啦 你还好吗


我虚伪 我惭愧 我嫉妒 你幸福 你这个傻瓜
不要逼我说谎话 爱一个人是占有 一点都不伟大
我丑恶 我自私 我认了看着你 容不下他
蹋地死心 原来出於私心 我也觉得我好可怕


我虚伪 我惭愧 我嫉妒 你幸福 你这个傻瓜
不要逼我说谎话 爱一个人是占有 一点都不伟大
我丑恶 我自私 我认了看着你 容不下他
蹋地死心 原来出於私心 我也觉得我好可怕

我虚伪 我惭愧 我嫉妒 你幸福 你这个傻瓜
不要逼我说谎话 爱一个人是占有 一点都不伟大
我丑恶 我自私 我认了看着你 容不下他
蹋地死心 原来出於私心 我也觉得我好可怕
像这样的爱 好可怕

Monday 17 August 2015

Happy Birthday Chub!


This might be a long one but lemme start with whatever with the past has gone. The best is always yet to come. Forget your sadness that had come to your life but learn it from it because it helps you to become a strong person. Take all the experience and judgement that come to your life and learn from it. I known you for months and I know you deserve to be happy. Never underestimate your problem or your ability to deal with it because I know you can and you will. I just wanna let you know that even we are apart and don't really communicate that much but whenever you need someone to talk to, I am just one text away =) Alright, to sum this all up, I'm wishing you a happy birthday! Don't let anyone make you miserable. Live life to fullest and more birthdays to come! Cheers!

Sunday 16 August 2015


Janice & Mandy ( year 2013 )

Saturday 15 August 2015

Countless nightmare

I don't take drugs and I don't watch trippy stuff but yet, practically every nite I have veryyy vivid, adventurous & strange dreams. The dreams always involve death! Sometimes is me dying, but otha times is my friends/family. I have a super over active imagination and I think it ties in with that. But some of the stuff is something I don't ever remember seeing?! I remember all of it and when I wake up and I feel like I've actually been doing what I was dreaming. I feel like I am in a very vicious cycle that I cant get out of.

I asked my friends and most of them don't dream frequently and some of them aren't dreaming anything worth remembering. Why am I having constant dreams 7 nights in a row?! What's wrong with me? Is this a sign that I may be a psychopath lol? Oh, and I've been a bit depressed lately. Don't know if that's possibly related to the dreams. I feel like I never get a good night sleep regardless of how long I am sleeping. The dreams make me wake up exhausted. *deep emo sigh*

Friday 14 August 2015

I ♥ Converse!

first sneakers =)

I ♥ Converse! they're comfortable and last long. I've had mine for about one year plus and I wear it quite often and it definitely not new looking anymore. The pair of sneakers are dirty but not like a gross type of dirty. Brand new Converse looks really weird & funny looking because they're new. I used to freak out if my sneakers got the tiniest lil smudge of dirty on them but now I could careless bcz sneakers are sneakers. I like wearing my dirty ones because I like the contrast of my new clothes with the ''vintage'' sneakers lol.

click this

 ( I was thinking about buying a pair of converse for myself )

Converse galaxy!!! OMG!!! max awesome!!!

Thursday 13 August 2015



没有谁在乎谁不在 害怕 面对

Who are you to judge me?

'' You'll be fine '' That's what everyone says but you dont know how my life hurts me. You see some shit you think you've lived thru but you dont think about the fact that you're not me! You possibly may handle life pains a lil better than me but because you are so strong and can keep on keeping on doesn't give you the right to judge me! I know things will soon change and today doesn't turn into tomorrow and tomorrow isn't forever. I just wish someone could walk with me instead of walking away from me when things get bad. Dont tell me you're there and slowly phase yourself away leaving me to wake to another day with no footsteps in the sand. Life hurts me, so manyyy bad decisions, wrong turns and too manyyy broken promises. Before you judge my life, my past or my character, walk the path I have travelled, live my sorrow, my doubts, fear...etc. Everyone has a story, but I have history. Dont judge me just because you've turned your emotions off and can walk away from what hurts you doesn't mean I can, and even if I could that doesn't mean I will. kthxbye!

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Dream interpretation

Very interesting article! There are a few things in here that are not really quite so acurate. Each person dreams differently and not all symbols are the same for every dreamer.

Conclusion : 
I would assume negative dreams are more prominent than positive dreams bcz we work stuff out in our dreams & most of us have some negative stuff goin on in our lives. I had a positive dream last9 and my life is pretty happy right now. Just makes sense =)

Monday 10 August 2015


Usually I'm turned off by rare meat but lately I had a very strong craving for rare beef steaks.

heavenly delicious medium rare sirloin steak *drooling*
heavenly delicious medium rare rib eye steak *drooling*

Eww! annoying people

Well, here it is, the list of the 3 types of people who irritate me the most!!

  • People who seem to be unaware of the fact that they have terrible attitude!
  • Mothers who let their children run around screaming in public!
  • People who keep talking and talking and talking when I feel like shit & don't feel like talking to anyone!

* DON'T annoy me with your silly doubts *

Sunday 9 August 2015

100 random things about me

Get to know me 
100 random questions

1.  Do you prefer to stay home or go out?
Depends on the mood

2.  What is your favorite drink?
Dark mocha frapuccino with whipped cream ( Starbucks )

3.  What is your favorite food?

4.  What is your favorite color?

5.  What is your favorite perfume?
Juicy Couture

6.  What is your favorite holiday?

7.  Are you married?
Nope, I can’t find anybody who is as crazy as me lol

8.  How tall are you?
152cm, but I think I might be shrinking lol

9.  What is your favorite song at the moment?
Fuying & Sam “可不可以你也刚好喜欢我”

10.  What is your favorite restaurant?

11.  What is your favorite Blog?
I don’t have a fav one yet. There are plenty out there that are fantastic tho.

12. What phone do you have?
Iphone 5s

13.  What is your favorite movie?
Paranormal activity

14.  What is your favorite pet?
Toy poddle & Golden Retriever

15.  Have you been out of the Country?
Yes, plenty of times

16.  What is your favorite clothing store?
Mango, H&M

17.  What quote/phrase do you live by?
No pain, no gain.

18.  What kind of style would you define yourself as having?
I don’t think I have a style, I wear what I feel comfortable in.

19. What is you favorite number?
2. I’m not sure why but it’s just always a number I’ve liked =)

20. What is you favorite make up brand?

21. Do you like swimming?
Yes. Definitely

22.  What is your favorite moisturizer?
Hada Labo, Forever 

23.  Do you have any siblings?

24.  What is the first thing you notice about people?
Body language cues

25.  Do you prefer strength training or cardio?
Absolutely strength training!

26.  Who is your favorite author?

27.  What is your ringtone?

28.  How old will you be turning on your next birthday?

29.  Where do you buy your groceries?
Servay, Giant

30.  What instruments do you play?
Piano, guitar

31.  What is your favorite jewelry?

32.  Can you cook?
Yes, my specialities are chinese cuisine food =)

33.  Do you always smile for pictures?
Yes, but I am veryyy un-photogenic so I end up looking like a troll lol

34.  What size is you bed?
Super single

35.  Do you still watch cartoons?
None come to mind

36.  What do you drink with dinner?

37.  What movies could you watch over and over and still love?

38.  What is you usual bedtime?
It changes every single night

39.  Are you stubborn?
I used to be

40.  What occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?

41.  Do you prefer Nike or Adidas?
Converse haha!

42.  How many cds do you own?

43.  Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?

44.  Does anyone know the password to your email address?
Nope. no one

45.  What is your favorite thing about your crush?
Voice and smile

46.  Do you have any strange phobia?

47.  Why do you have a blog?
Because it’s a space for me to say what I wanna say, sharing my thoughts, experiences and fun stuffs =)

48.  If you were the opposite gender. What name would you like to have?

49.  Ever won a contest?
Yes, writing contest =)

50.  What is your favorite kind of chocolate?
Lindt, Kinder Bueno

51.  Do you go to church every Sunday?
I didn’t for a long time

52.  Do you take vitamins daily?

53.  What is your favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time?

54.  Do you love anyone?
My heart is open & full of love, so absolutely I do.

55.  Do you hate anyone that you know right now?

56.  What color is your car?

57.  Are you thinking about someone right now?
Yes *deep emo sigh*

58.  How did you get your worst scar?
The worst scars are the ones I hide on the inside...

59.  What is your favorite ice cream?
Magnum almond choc

60.  Ever had a terrible breakup?
Unfortunately yes..

61.  How much do you weigh?

62.  Any tattoos?
Yes, clavicle and back of the neck

63.  Any piercings?
Yes, tragus and rook

64.  What is your zodiac sign?

65.  Quality you look for in a partner?
Humble, genuine, caring & funny

66.  What is your favorite of sweet?
I don't like sweet

67.  What is your dream vacation?

68.  What is next trip you are going to take?

69.  Are you rich?
By some people's standards yes, by others, no

70.  What is the worst exam result you remember ever getting?

71.  Who is your favorite movie actress?
Stephen Chow

72.  What is the worst movie you have ever seen?

73.  What is the worst song you have ever heard?

74.  If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?

75.  Have you ever bought alcohol or cigarettes while underage?

76.  Have you ever been arrested?

77.  Where would you definitely never go to?
Saudi Arabia

78.  Would you ever smile at a stranger?

79.  How often do you listen to music?
Whenever I'm in the car

80.  Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
Who hasn't??

81.  Does anyone hate you?
Most certainly...

82.  If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be?

83.  Think back 2 months ago. Were you in a relationship?

84.  Do you replay things that have happened in your head?

85.  Have you ever won a trophy?

86.  What was the name of your first pet?

87.  What is the last movie that you saw at the cinema?

88.  What is you nickname

89.  How many relationships have you been in?

90.  How many were serious enough to count?

91.  Are you silly?

92.  Do you believe in karma?

93.  What is your favorite type of steak to eat?
Medium rare sirloin

94.  What is your favorite cuisine?

95.  What is your best childhood memory?
Playing with my dolls, making kites & bike riding

96.  What is your favorite fast food restaurant?

97.  Who is your favorite singer?

98.  What is your occupation?

99.  Do you use sarcasm a lot?

100.  What foods do you dislike?

Saturday 8 August 2015

Friday 7 August 2015

Oh well

If I really like you, I'll be sarcastic and tease you relentlessly. 
If I DON'T like you, I'll be very polite and pleasant. 

Thursday 6 August 2015


Strumming the strings of my life 
( practice makes perfect )

Guitar is pretty easy to learn. The hardest part for me was suffering thru the calluses ( fingers hurt badly for the first week of playing! ). I'm not familiar with guitar brand, my guitar brand was "Kapok" ( acoustic guitar ) imported from GuangZhou cost around RM180 ( bag is not included ). From my experience, guitar from RM150 to RM400 have not much differences, either brand was not really needed to concern, most importantly is your left hand are comfortable when pressing chords. If you want to learn basics and learn songs based on the stuff that you have learnt, I personally recommend you try 马叔叔吉他教学 If you want to learn a random song go to Youtube type the song name and add guitar lesson you will get a bunch of them. =)

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Social experiment : life without Facebook

I used to go on Facebook right when I woke up and check everything anyone has posted. Twenty mins later I would check again. Another twenty mins and I would check again. I would check more frequently when I posted something I tot was witty/funny at the time. Urghh I'm constantly checking my phone several times a day!!! And I feel like life is passing me by, I see everyone doing stuff & getting married & having kid and I'm here just doing nothing. *deep emo sigh*

Day 3 without Facebook is peaceful, at least I'm not bombarded with games request I don't want. I don't have to look at new bb pictures posted by a girl I haven't spoken to in 10 years or read hundred diff opinions on whether the dress is blue or white LOL.

* I'm not going to close my acc. I just gonna limit my access to one day a week =) *


那些很久没有写过的文字离我很远了。。。但也正是那些我曾经经历过,或者现在正在经历的才可以触动到我心底那个地方。如果给我一扇任意门,我想回到1999年初中的第一个学期,回到那无数兵荒马乱的复习日,那漫无目的的体育课,回去教学楼背后的那一个没人的地方。.直到今天,不知道那朴素的生活和遥远的梦想还在不在?然而我已经明白 ‘‘天寒地冻,路遥马亡’’ 。。。



Monday 3 August 2015

Tonkey the teddy bear ❤

Tonkey Bear, a Shar-Pei dog with an adorable teddy bear face awww 

Follow @bearcoat_tonkey  for more adorable updates from the teddy bear dog.
( this pup looks adorable in every shot aww  )

Why do I blog?

I blog because I want to capture the memories I go thru in my life. My blog is like a diary to me. I’m active on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Weibo and even Dayre but none of these allows for me to state out my life & thoughts. Sometimes I do miss certain parts of my life because I can’t remember everything I go thru to remember to blog about it at the end of the day =( Last night I looked in my another blog archives 3-5 years back to these moments of my life…

letter ‘ S ’

do YOU really want to hurt me?






Reading those entries brought me on a walk down memory lane. It wasn’t just what happened or the pictures I took but it was the way I wrote it and how it really shed light on the way I felt and how I was as a person 3-5 years ago. =)

Just a thought...

Lately I’ve been strolling down memory lane & in one of my journeys back in time, I have recalled my Friendster acc. I could still remember the craze of the 1st social network that really hit the crowd except Purplelab lol. Here are the things I'm sure we all miss about the classic social media site --- FRIENDSTER!

Oh those texts that our friends post in our walls to show how much thy value our friendship.
( the simple rule is when we are given a testimonial, we are also required to post one to our friend’s wall )

Glitter texts:
From posting just plain texts, we all discovered that putting testimonials in our friends' walls can be made more special by adorning them with colorful gifs/jpeg.

Customized background:
Social media wall had never been more personalized than during Friendster times.
( Although FB today has a way of customizing our page - timeline photos )

The sad part is when we ''migrated'' from Friendster to Facebook, we left some friends that were loyal to Friendster. Time had passed and we lost contact with them, and when the old social media site shut down its service on 2011, we don’t have any way to keep track of some of them. haixx...

Sunday 2 August 2015



可不可以你也刚好喜欢我 -  Fuying & Sam

Te Amo, Te Extrano, Te Olvido - Ricky Martin

我们的明天 - 鹿晗

掉了 - A Mei

Try - Asher Book

Saturday 1 August 2015

Hello August

Good bye July!
Thank you for giving me opportunities & changes.
You are over and won't be back until next year =)

Hello August! 
how are you?
please be good for me.
I can't wait to see what you'll bring for me!
I have a feeling that it will be good.
full of hug attacks, love & friendship.
