Saturday 15 August 2015

Countless nightmare

I don't take drugs and I don't watch trippy stuff but yet, practically every nite I have veryyy vivid, adventurous & strange dreams. The dreams always involve death! Sometimes is me dying, but otha times is my friends/family. I have a super over active imagination and I think it ties in with that. But some of the stuff is something I don't ever remember seeing?! I remember all of it and when I wake up and I feel like I've actually been doing what I was dreaming. I feel like I am in a very vicious cycle that I cant get out of.

I asked my friends and most of them don't dream frequently and some of them aren't dreaming anything worth remembering. Why am I having constant dreams 7 nights in a row?! What's wrong with me? Is this a sign that I may be a psychopath lol? Oh, and I've been a bit depressed lately. Don't know if that's possibly related to the dreams. I feel like I never get a good night sleep regardless of how long I am sleeping. The dreams make me wake up exhausted. *deep emo sigh*

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