Wednesday 5 August 2015

Social experiment : life without Facebook

I used to go on Facebook right when I woke up and check everything anyone has posted. Twenty mins later I would check again. Another twenty mins and I would check again. I would check more frequently when I posted something I tot was witty/funny at the time. Urghh I'm constantly checking my phone several times a day!!! And I feel like life is passing me by, I see everyone doing stuff & getting married & having kid and I'm here just doing nothing. *deep emo sigh*

Day 3 without Facebook is peaceful, at least I'm not bombarded with games request I don't want. I don't have to look at new bb pictures posted by a girl I haven't spoken to in 10 years or read hundred diff opinions on whether the dress is blue or white LOL.

* I'm not going to close my acc. I just gonna limit my access to one day a week =) *

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