Monday 3 August 2015

Why do I blog?

I blog because I want to capture the memories I go thru in my life. My blog is like a diary to me. I’m active on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Weibo and even Dayre but none of these allows for me to state out my life & thoughts. Sometimes I do miss certain parts of my life because I can’t remember everything I go thru to remember to blog about it at the end of the day =( Last night I looked in my another blog archives 3-5 years back to these moments of my life…

letter ‘ S ’

do YOU really want to hurt me?






Reading those entries brought me on a walk down memory lane. It wasn’t just what happened or the pictures I took but it was the way I wrote it and how it really shed light on the way I felt and how I was as a person 3-5 years ago. =)

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